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What's a Microcontroller text clarification — Parallax Forums

What's a Microcontroller text clarification

LisaQLisaQ Posts: 33
edited 2010-02-21 16:35 in Learn with BlocklyProp
Hi- Just beginning to explore the basic stamp. On page 62 fig 2-17, I get the green LED when I wire pin2 (shorter lead·and flat side of LED) to ground. I get the red LED when I wire pin2 to +V. Is it possible the bi-color·LED that came with my kit is different from the one the text was written for? Or is the text incorrect?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-02-21 16:29
    Clearly the LED you have is connected backwards from what's described in the text. There's no "standard" for bi-color LEDs although manufacturers rely on the datasheet for the device they buy to determine how it's connected. I've seen other texts where a bi-color LED is described as you've observed. Maybe Parallax got a batch of mis-labelled LEDs.
  • LisaQLisaQ Posts: 33
    edited 2010-02-21 16:35
    Thank you Mike.
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