Looking for a tv/vga mouse click i/o demo
hi all, i was wondering if someone knows of a propeller demo that would use a vga or tv with mouse clicks to control i/o pins on the propeller. after seeing Chris D's videos of his cnc machine (here), on the video of the control system (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSuObtH2Tng). im just looking for a simple demo that would show some clickable lables that would toggle some i/o pins on prop lab or prop dev board. i am just learning the prop and im just curious to see how such a program works (object interaction, etc), how the vga/mouse and i/o all work together. if it just had 2-3 blocks to click to control 2-3 i/o pins would be great for me. maybe some sort of r-c feedback would be cool too! [noparse]:)[/noparse] i think a demo like this would be beneficial to people new to the propeller. i for one seem to learn better with real-world examples, then playing with them to learn how they work.
The code is in spin and is fairly straightforward. You can try clicking on one of the GUI objects and search the code for the message that displays in the console. Add some code to toggle a pin or two and you've got your demo.
Post Edited (Watkins) : 2/22/2010 1:26:04 AM GMT