Resistor Arrays, Concave or Convex? Ease of Soldering?
I am transitioning to using the Propeller SMT form factor and am in the process of filling an order for some resistor arrays that have a pitch tight enough to match the prop. I have my sights on 0.5mm pitch arrays but have the choice of concave or convex pins and would like to hear opinions based on ease of soldering, self alignment and so on. So which is more advantageous or does it make very little difference either way?
Tool-wise I have access to solder paste, regular wire solder, an oven (toaster oven), soldering iron and hot air rework capability. Words of wisdom and cautions are welcome.
Thanks in advance...
Tool-wise I have access to solder paste, regular wire solder, an oven (toaster oven), soldering iron and hot air rework capability. Words of wisdom and cautions are welcome.
Thanks in advance...
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I have enough trouble with 0.8mm stuff, so I have stripped off a load of 0.5 resistor strips (concave) just to have a practice.
Edit second convex should have been concave. That was a repitition, and therefore one point away.
Style and grace : Nil point
Post Edited (Toby Seckshund) : 2/20/2010 8:43:44 PM GMT
Additional inputs/advice are welcome especially if anyone has used a non-soldering iron method (i.e. oven and/or hot air rework station).
I've used the CTS series with concave pads...
743C 2 or 4 0805 resistors on 50 mil (1.27mm) spacing.
742C 2, 4 or 8 0603 resistors on 32 mil (0.8mm) spacing.
741C 2, 4 or 8 0402 resistors on 20 mil (0.5mm) spacing.
740C don't even think of it!
Tracy Allen
Tracy Allen