AVRSIMON: From Parallax???!!
Oldbitcollector (Jeff)
Posts: 8,091
I got my issue of Nuts and Volts this morning to find an AVR project on the front cover
with Grand Idea Studios (Joe Grand) and Parallax logos on it.
It's a DIY simon game which the article says the details can be found at:
www.grandideastudio.com/portfolio/avrsimon 404 - page not found.
and that the kit can be purchased at www.parallax.com
I just double checked my issue of N&V. It says "March" not "April"
Parallax... An AVR project?... Really??...
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Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 2/20/2010 3:38:26 PM GMT
with Grand Idea Studios (Joe Grand) and Parallax logos on it.
It's a DIY simon game which the article says the details can be found at:
www.grandideastudio.com/portfolio/avrsimon 404 - page not found.
and that the kit can be purchased at www.parallax.com
I just double checked my issue of N&V. It says "March" not "April"
Parallax... An AVR project?... Really??...
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Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 2/20/2010 3:38:26 PM GMT
-Kent Brockman
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
Weren't you the designer of the ColorPAL, ServoPAL, SoundPAL, and MoboStamp?
hmmm..... Who's behind this infiltration??? [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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The article actually came out a month earlier than we were expecting, so we were caught a bit with our pants down. I'm still working on the portfolio entry for my website with the full source code, schematics, and other development information (http://www.grandideastudio.com/portfolio/avrsimon/) which will be up by Monday, Feb. 22.
The store entry on Parallax to purchase the kit (if you don't want to roll your own) will also be up soon!
The avrsimon project is an AVR port of my previous open-source "Build Your Own Electronic Game Kit" (http://www.grandideastudio.com/portfolio/build-your-own-electronic-game-kit/) that I designed for the first Maker Faire way back when. I was asked to write a chapter for an upcoming book on AVR microcontrollers to be published by No Starch Press and thought this project would be a good one, since it combines elements of reading switch inputs, controlling LEDs, sound generation, sleep modes, and other useful, general purpose elements and it makes a great learning-how-to-solder kit. I'd never used AVR before this and don't see myself using it in any future projects (I usually use Freescale or Microchip for production and BASIC Stamp or Propeller for one-off/hobbyist experiments). But, I'm thrilled that Parallax was interested in taking it on as a product/kit and hope it will go over well [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Joe Grand
Grand Idea Studio, Inc.
Designer of the Parallax Emic Text-to-Speech, RFID, and GPS modules
We have a long partnership with Joe Grand that transcends any reason to reject an AVR in a product (okay, unless it were an Arduino or AVR-Stamp, etc). We have AVRs in our Motor Mount and Wheel Kit, HB-25s, and the list of products Phil identified above. Don't expect much more than you're seeing, however, only because we focus our attention on the BASIC Stamps and Propeller chips. If you see an AVR in any of our products there will not be any compiler support or similar programming support traditional to other Parallax products. This product has a whole book chapter from Joe that will serve as the support people need for reprogramming. We don't have any AVR tools in Tech Support (sorry about that, for people who expected more). Joe will take care of that part for us.
Availability? We're still waiting on some components to arrive and for kitting to finish, but we'll enable it for backorder this week.
The AVRSimon is a neat kit and I've built a couple of them myself. I'm hoping that customers will enjoy the DIY approach and satisfaction that comes from a nice soldering job. The quality of the components in this kit are top-notch.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
As Ken points out, the AVRs are used mostly for under-the-hood work and serve well in that capacity. Most people don't even recognize that they're there. (I had no idea there was one in the HB-25, until Ken mentioned it above.) They can be a very competitive solution where board real estate and cost are an issue and when they can be programmed once and forgotten without having to offer customer programming support.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 2/20/2010 11:27:29 PM GMT
Don't click on this.....
Post Edited (microcontrolled) : 2/23/2010 12:29:06 PM GMT
I can't believe you just wrote that.
You only ever need two tools in life. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duct Tape. If it does not move and it should use WD40.
Don't click on this.....
The board looks great and the pattern and layout looks welcoming, and the kit form of the device means that it will invite others to join the facinating hobby of electronics. Thank you Mr. Grand for another wonderful parallax product.
P.S. I like your serial RFID module.
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