cogs and arrays one more time
Serial commands to the prop to turn leds off, on, flash.
I tried to simplify the program to just a two character command .
I send two characters, a space and the letter “A” . the first is the command 0=off, 1=on, 3=flash. I don’t know how to pass the information to a program running in another cog. I try to use an array but no success. Hummm?
see attach
I tried to simplify the program to just a two character command .
I send two characters, a space and the letter “A” . the first is the command 0=off, 1=on, 3=flash. I don’t know how to pass the information to a program running in another cog. I try to use an array but no success. Hummm?
see attach

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I'm new at this.. I'll try to stay in the same thread next time.
Thanks a bunch...It really had me stumped.