multiple .spin files in an archive newbie question.
Hi all, ok i am just starting out with the propeller, been reading the prop manual and the 'programming and customizing the multicore propeller microcontroller' book. i have yet to write any programs yet. the question i have is that in alot of code archives i find, there are multiple spin files in the zip file. For example, here is a demo program for the spinvent proplab, (which i have) and on that page theres some example code, 'resistor-capacitor discharge time measurment'. inside the archive there are 3 spin files with a readme with this inside...
Parallax Propeller Chip Project Archive
·Project :· "PropLAB_RC_SevenSegmet"
Archived :· Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 11:06:30 AM
··· Tool :· Propeller Tool version 1.2.6
··········· PropLAB_RC_SevenSegmet.spin
············· │
············· ├──PropLAB_SevenSegment.spin
············· │
············· └──RCTIME.spin
My question is when loading the 'proplab_rc_sevensegmet.spin, are the other 2 files loaded during compile or do all 3 files have to be loaded into prop tool then compiled together. i have tried looking for the answer in the documentation, but really couldn't find a definitive answer without going off on a tangent from my learning course, turning my brain to mush and basically forgetting everything i've learned so far. i'm pretty confident this will be a easy question for all experienced in the propeller, (i can see people rolling thier eyes now!) I believe from what i've learned so far that these are objects, but im not sure on how to combine them all to download into the prop. (i'm probably wrong, so all suggestions welcomed.)
Post Edited (kf4ixm) : 2/18/2010 3:26:46 PM GMT
Parallax Propeller Chip Project Archive
·Project :· "PropLAB_RC_SevenSegmet"
Archived :· Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 11:06:30 AM
··· Tool :· Propeller Tool version 1.2.6
··········· PropLAB_RC_SevenSegmet.spin
············· │
············· ├──PropLAB_SevenSegment.spin
············· │
············· └──RCTIME.spin
My question is when loading the 'proplab_rc_sevensegmet.spin, are the other 2 files loaded during compile or do all 3 files have to be loaded into prop tool then compiled together. i have tried looking for the answer in the documentation, but really couldn't find a definitive answer without going off on a tangent from my learning course, turning my brain to mush and basically forgetting everything i've learned so far. i'm pretty confident this will be a easy question for all experienced in the propeller, (i can see people rolling thier eyes now!) I believe from what i've learned so far that these are objects, but im not sure on how to combine them all to download into the prop. (i'm probably wrong, so all suggestions welcomed.)
Post Edited (kf4ixm) : 2/18/2010 3:26:46 PM GMT
When the completed code is "archieved," is is saved along with the objects (small sections of code that solve specific problems) that are used by the main (or top) code. The "readme" file (which you show above) contains a tree or diagram that gives the structure and lots of other info. PropLAB_RC_SevenSegmet.spin (though I think that is supposed to be Segment) is the main or top code. I uses the PropLAB... and RCTIME objects. Achieving saves all this together with the readme file and compresses it (zips) for sharing or transmitting to others.
As long as these pieces of code are in a file together, when you open the top or main code and send it to your Propeller via the Propeller Tool, it finds and and complies all the subreference objects and sends them too. You do not need to load them seperately.
More experience Prop users can probably say this better and mroe acurately than I have. Have fun with you Prop! Don't be afraid to ask questions.
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