End-of-Line and missing colon error
Posts: 17
Okay, I know this is probably a lame question, but I am getting an error code 129 "Expected ':' or end-of-line on my program, and I do not know what is going on. Any ideas? Program attached.
Second, the variable decNum in line 51 is not declared and never used any more.
I had no idea I needed to change the PBASIC from 2.0 to 2.5 in the second line. Thanks! I found some other undefined variables, and have edited a bit. Now I am getting a "Undefined symbol" on the READ BURST command in my subroutine Get_Time:. NOw, there is also a RdBurst command, so I am a bit confused of which is correct? I assume this is the command to read a time/date stamp from the DS1302.
· READ BURST··························· ' DS1302 Burst Read <<<<<<.......This is not need
· HIGH CS1302·························· ' Select DS1302
· SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]RdBurst]
· SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs, date, month, day, year] 'clock activated,and will read at each loop
· LOW CS1302··························· ' Deselect DS1302
DEBUG HOME, HEX2 hrs, ":", HEX2 mins, ":", HEX2 secs·
··Thanks for any··that you may have and all of your time finding them
·Okay I modified file and it is now going through the DEBUG interaction, taking date month, etc input but it kind of stalls at the hours/minutes/seconds input. Your change noted, except where to place the "DEBUG HOME......" line?· I understand my subroutines, in order of operation to be something like
1) Set_Mode --this takes user input on date, time, etc to initialize values to DS1302 (RAM?)
2)Set_Time--this must do a burst write to the DS1302, and start the clock?
3)RTC_Out--this must be Real-Time-Clock, something to do with the DS1302 clock
4)Get_Time--this must do a burst read of time,date data from DS1302
5)Advance--this is a routine to switch or advance pin 4 for 3 seconds, advancing a linear actuator.
6)Retract--this is a routine to switch or retract pin 6 for 24 seconds, retracting a linear actuarot.
Am getting there, I think. comments appreciated.