Stereo Mood Lighting with the Propeller
I need to ask this question,
I want to use the mic. on the Propeller Demo Board to input music and generate lights at random as a output for a wall fixture I am creating for my room.
Has anyone done this type of thing ?
I looked in the object exchange and did not see anything like that ? Maybe I missed it.
Any help to steer me in the right direction would help.
Thank you.
I want to use the mic. on the Propeller Demo Board to input music and generate lights at random as a output for a wall fixture I am creating for my room.
Has anyone done this type of thing ?
I looked in the object exchange and did not see anything like that ? Maybe I missed it.
Any help to steer me in the right direction would help.
Thank you.
shows the start of it. I plan on having 7 columns of lights with 7 rows. The left column shows the current sound reading then
shifts to the right column.
Post Edited (Thomas Fletcher) : 2/17/2010 9:55:31 PM GMT
EDIT:··Wait a minute. Tom's code is starting to get interesting.
Great video.
What I intended to do was have the mic. pick up sounds and have the propeller display the sounds by flashing lights in five column bars with four lights per column at random.
Thanks for your help.
Something like that is what I was thinking, however I thought it might be fun to learn how to do it with the Propeller and learn some programming at the same time.
Post Edited (Rob7) : 2/17/2010 9:15:13 PM GMT