NEW: El Jugador Gaming Module for Propeller Platform
El Jugador adds Video, Audio, 2 NES controller jacks, and an SD Card Slot to the Propeller Platform. It also comes with a bootloader so you can run programs directly from the SD Card (no Prop Plug required). The SD card slot is also pre-soldered.

Project Page
Here are the design files (All files are available under the MIT License)
Layout (.pdf) (.dip)
Schematic (.pdf) (.dch)
Bootloader (sourcecode) (.binary)
p0 - Do
p1 - Clk
p2 - Di
p3 - Cs
P11 - Audio Out
P23 - Clk
P24 - Latch
P25 - Pad1
P26 - Pad2
The Video and audio are the same as the demoboard. the NES controllers are the same on the hydra with a 2 in front (P3 becomes 23, P4 becomes 24, etc). Pinouts are also on the board.
Here's a demo video of the bootloader.
Baggers contributed the SD bootloader (with a little tweaking from OBC). The bootloader is based on femtobasic's fsrw objects from Tomas Rokicki & Mike Green. THANKS GUYS!
As always, let me know if you have any questions / feedback / etc.
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Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects

Project Page
Here are the design files (All files are available under the MIT License)
Layout (.pdf) (.dip)
Schematic (.pdf) (.dch)
Bootloader (sourcecode) (.binary)
p0 - Do
p1 - Clk
p2 - Di
p3 - Cs
P11 - Audio Out
P23 - Clk
P24 - Latch
P25 - Pad1
P26 - Pad2
The Video and audio are the same as the demoboard. the NES controllers are the same on the hydra with a 2 in front (P3 becomes 23, P4 becomes 24, etc). Pinouts are also on the board.
Here's a demo video of the bootloader.
Baggers contributed the SD bootloader (with a little tweaking from OBC). The bootloader is based on femtobasic's fsrw objects from Tomas Rokicki & Mike Green. THANKS GUYS!
As always, let me know if you have any questions / feedback / etc.
Propeller Forums RSS Feed!
Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
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Here's a photo of the underside
The SD card slot comes pre-soldered.
Using an SD card to carry over binaries isn't the most convenient way to program, but it removes a barrier to entry. I started with a ybox2 partially because it didn't require a prop plug. Hopefully, if a beginner picks up El Jugador, they'll catch the bug and want to learn more about electronics.
The other thing I like about it is that it's modular - if you get bored with game programming, you just pop it off and drop on another module.
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Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects