Playing wav files - but without a MAX4411ETP chip - can it be done?

I notice on the schematic for the demo board that P10 and P11 go through a MAX4411ETP before being able to be 'heard' via headphones (I don't have a demo board so I'm taking a bit of a punt on this).
How can I test that wave files are playing (by hearing them) if I don't have this chip? Can I just connect a headphone and listen _real_ hard? Would that damage my prop chip?
Am I completely misunderstanding audio? {Probably. As I'm even more of a noob on audio....}
Thanks in advance..
The future is in our hands.
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How can I test that wave files are playing (by hearing them) if I don't have this chip? Can I just connect a headphone and listen _real_ hard? Would that damage my prop chip?
Am I completely misunderstanding audio? {Probably. As I'm even more of a noob on audio....}
Thanks in advance..
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
So the speaker output on the demo board isn't really suitable for directly plugging headphone into?
Means I have to find some amped speakers (none of the audio components we have now have inputs for anything other than ipods). Knew there was reason to be sad when the 'proper' amp died.
So what's the cheapest way to bolt a 'speaker' onto a prop? (for testing) does GG have a module? Got a tried and true circuit using cheap bits?
The future is in our hands.
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The dollar stores usually have cheap powered speakers, there's even the tiny ones that run off two pen-cells.
Of course you can always make one but you need parts and I'm not sure what you limitations are in getting parts. Even DSE will have some kind of ancient LM386 chip.
BTL chips such as the venerable TDA7052 etc are far superior and easier to use though.
No amp chip = external amp.
With the demo board how do you do volume control? Can the prop do it natively? (this chip just gets better and better)
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
(Even though SIDcog has got a sample rate of just ~31Khz and has got mono output. (CD quality is 44.1Khz in stereo) )
A wav player is very simple in comparison to SIDcog, leaving A LOT of extra cycles for multiplication/division subroutines.
SIDcog uses 187.200 32bit multiplications per second for "analog multimode resonance filter", volume controlling and envelope calculations.
A wav player needs just 2*44.100 = 88.200 multiplications per second for volume calculations at CD quality.
The "inner loop" of a wav player could be done with just a couple of PASM instruction.
Every sample loop of SIDcog needs >350 pasm instructions plus additional pasm instructions in the multiplication subroutine.
The Parallax Propeller could EASILY do a wav player with linear volume controlling at full CD quality using a single cog.
The cog would spend most of it's time waiting actually.
/Johannes Ahlebrand
Go to the obex. Click on the sound stuff link. Find the stereo DAC object. Download it. Read the documentation and realize the awsomeness.
If you can't realize the awsomeness then the object may not be for you. However, the stero DAC object makes playing WAV files soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... EASY!
(Hint, the transfer data function in the object should be used with FSRW's getData block function that grabs 512 bytes at a time.)
I forgive you [noparse];)[/noparse]
Btw, most of the time I do a simple SHR/SHL for multiplication/division, but it's not always a sufficiant method.
The Prop2 will not only be 8 times faster compared to the Prop, it will also have DIV/MUL instructions wich in reality will make it even faster for many tasks.