Font for 1-pin TV driver - 5x7 font or modify ROM font ???

I am trying to shrink the 1-pin TV driver so that it resides totally in cog for SphinxOS. This will not be easy as it not only has to contain the screen buffer (maybe 40 chars x 12 lines = 480 bytes = 120 longs), possibly the character font (maybe 96 chars 5x7 = 96 x 5 bytes = 480 bytes = 120 longs), and the driver code, plus the video routines (simple VT100 subset).
Has anyone found a way to utilise (shrink/scale)·the 16x32 ROM font as a smaller font without too much clunkiness? (8x8 or 8x16 would be good)
Has anyone done a 5x7 font (displayed as 6x8) ?· (needs to be small if cog resident)
Any other ideas???
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Has anyone found a way to utilise (shrink/scale)·the 16x32 ROM font as a smaller font without too much clunkiness? (8x8 or 8x16 would be good)
Has anyone done a 5x7 font (displayed as 6x8) ?· (needs to be small if cog resident)
Any other ideas???
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I do remember quite a while back this thread.
Attached is an archive for a version of FemtoBasic that uses this driver and runs on a Demo Board. There's also a cog-only FDS driver. If no keyboard is connected, the programming port is used for a console instead of the keyboard/video driver.
The included keyboard driver is the comboKeyboard driver used in the other FemtoBasic versions even though the name has been changed. At some point I plan to move the keyboard buffer into the cog.
That thread is interesting. I need to look a little deeper.
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Ray, hopefully this makes it a bit easier than building the table from scratch.
although its tricky with lowercase, 5x7 can be squeezed into 5x5 because rows 2,3 and 5,6 are usually the same.
I should be typing in Spin now.
Coming soon. My open Propeller Project Pages and favorite links index.
I have already done a 1-pin Keyboard driver with the buffer in cog (see 1-pin Keyboard) and I will be using this in SphinxOS. Sphinx already has a standard keyboard driver with the buffer in cog.
I have aready posted a serial I/O with the buffer in the cog (based on JDcog + mods by Andy & myself) for use with SPhinxOS.
Attached is the 1-pin TV code (currently NTSC 64*16). Space in cog for the buffer, but not yet used!! - just for those that want to see where I am up to. It is based on EricBall's 1-pin TV code. The code snippet is the line display section.
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The idea was to store one glyph per long in Cog RAM.
Piranha are people too.
I am still working on it though. Currently I have an 8x8 font loaded in the cog, but no screen buffer! I am debugging at the moment.
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Piranha are people too.
I have to be careful that I can easily get to the correct data bits without too many pasm instructions.
The ROM is interlaced with the subsequent character. If I was to use that in 1-bit mode I am not sure how to achieve it. Would I just AND %0101010.... or AND %1010101...
and then SHR ,#1 for the odd char. Guess I would then be using 2 bit mode, but I think the CTRB is doing PWM to generate the monochrome in the 1-bit driver.
Guess I really do not understand the video generation in either 1-pin or 3 pin modes. Maybe it's time I really understood it instead of fudging my way through it :-(
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