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Input needed on circuit design

bambinobambino Posts: 789
edited 2010-09-10 08:20 in Propeller 1
The project I'm working on is finished, but has failed to meet requirments. So Maybe someone here can help.
The device below is a wireless upgrade to an existing wired device that measures impact via an accelorometer, and transmits the results back to a PDA. The problem, as I see it, is in the capacitor that filters the signal back to the AD converter. But that is why I'm asking here. I've tried some other capacitor values with no success. The circuit itself is approved by the makers of the accelorometer but as seen in the results picture I'm not getting the same results that the predecessor is giving.
The accelorometer was made to be imbedded in the tips of drill bits for oil rigs and maybe 30 g errors are acceptable for them. In my application, 3 to 4 gs is about as far as it can tolerate.
I have since added temperature compenstion to the circuit and that removed some error, but maybe you see something else!
I'm sure I'll leave something out that you need to know in order to evaluate the board, so please just ask.

The diode feeding the sensor is a constant current diode the takes 5 volts, and at 1 G, outputs 2.5 volts. Itmeasures + or - 500G's at 2mVper G.
Thanks for any and all inputconfused.gif
The PDF for the converter doesn't want to open for me so here is a link to the site.

Post Edited (bambino) : 2/14/2010 10:43:15 PM GMT
1073 x 837 - 66K
1073 x 837 - 34K


  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2010-02-14 23:24
    The results graph - are the red and blue traces of the same run with both types of sensor connected at the same time? Or are they separate trial runs (explaining why the red trace finishes sooner) ?

    What's happening in the real world at the "shoulder" and at the peak? Is the shoulder an impact?

    Just on the surface of it, I don't think the capacitor value could smooth things sufficiently to make those two waveforms match, particularly at the shoulder. It looks more like some kind of physical dynamic effect. How is the sensor mounted in the bit, is there some kind of damping material?

  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-14 23:33
    The Results Graph: The two are actually the same device and the same drop. The red is one I've edited to represent what it should more look like.
    The predesessor actually presents a smooth bell curve during a drop.

    Real World: The whole bell curve represents the impact of my device on the ground from a two foot drop"roughly"

    How mounted in the bit: My device isn't mounted in a bit, that is just what the accelerometer was orignally designed for!

    The accelorometer, along with the circuit, are mounted inside a cylindrical metal mass of 20 lbs and dropped on the surface to be measured for impact resistance.
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-14 23:35
    The main problem with the device is that I am seeing 20 to 30 G's difference when dropping on the same surface.
  • jcwrenjcwren Posts: 44
    edited 2010-02-14 23:46
    What sort of surface? If you take a 20lb mass and have a 1" variance in drop height, what's the G-force difference going to be?

    I think you're going to need a drop rig to test it with that method. If the head of the 3205B is exposed, you could invert it, and use a "calibrated" mass dropped down a tube on to the head.

    Edit: I can't find the datasheet for this Dytran 3205B. Do you have a link to it?

    Post Edited (jcwren) : 2/14/2010 11:54:50 PM GMT
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 00:03
    jcwren, Intirely true.

    Below is pictures of the finished device!
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 00:05
    That is all I have on the 3205B, other than info in e-mails from the company.
  • jcwrenjcwren Posts: 44
    edited 2010-02-15 00:21
    OK, a couple more questions. I assume the numbers along the bottom of the graph represent the sample number, so the run has a total of about 2000 samples?

    How many runs have you made, and are the results always consistent? The first dip in the blue line could possible be binding in the drop rig. The pictures show the rig sitting on What looks like a tile or linoleum floor, neither which are ideal surfaces. You really need something that's a couple feet of solid concrete, like a loading dock bay.

    Although with only the sample shown, it would be hard to make this call, but at 16-bit sampling with a 4.096 volt Vref, you're looking at 62.5 uv (microvolts!) per bit. ANY noise in the ground plane will mess with your conversion accuracy. Luckily, you're using a battery which is more idea than a switching supply, but any variance in current draw could be coupling noise into your system. Are you doing any smoothing, or taking only the top 12 or 14 bits of the A/D for your values? 30g represents 60mv of noise, which is not really all that much as power supply noise goes. Have you put a 'scope on the power and ground planes?

    I think a bit more detail overall is going to be needed.
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 00:35
    The pictures above are just for show. The drops are done over sample play surfaces, for instance: a wrestling mat over concrete will give 45 G's typically.
    We don't drop on concrete, on purpose anyway! the result of 20lbs steel on solid conrete is over 500G and will void our product. The typical range for drops on play surfaces is from 80 to 200 G's.
    The signal is using the full 16 bits at around 56K samples per second. There is an iir filter in my code simulating a 4 pole low pass butterworth filter.
    The Regulators are rock solid, and feed by circuit protection diodes. I have scoped them out on the bench, but there is no way of scopeing them out during a drop.
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 00:45
    How many drops? I have been dropping it probably 100 drops a week for the last 3 or 4 months, on this revision. Two years are so on prior models.
    I have high hopes for the next prototype, but not until I can get this failure figured out!
    Consistant? Yes, Since I put temperature compenstion in the results have been consistant.
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 00:56
    The chart below represents my last dropping session.
    It shows the results of approx 20 drops onto a sample mat at various temperatures.
    This piticular test was to see if my temperature compensation was on the mark.
    It's still a little off but the error in G's is still an issue.
    Although the error in this set would probably pass, it is the best results I've seen, the error is not porportional to temperature.
    1073 x 837 - 23K
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2010-02-15 01:51
    Bambino, I note there are 2 extra dips in the "bad result" plot compared to the "good result". Is it possible this is due to the board/mounting vibrating or flexing due to the forces involved?
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 01:58
    kwinn, The good result or redline is ficticious, made up to represent what the bell curve should resimble. Actually the bell curve should be even smoother than that going up and coming down. As for whats causeing the dips, I've surmized that it is in my circuit since it shows up no matter where, when, or at what temperature I am dropping it.
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 02:05
    kwinn, Sorry, Just realized what you asked!
    No, the accelorometer is molded inside the steel with heat cured epoxy and the circuit is encased in PVC that is bolted to the inside well of the steel!
    Nothing to slosh around and cause dynamic readings.
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2010-02-15 02:51
    Is the bottom surface of the steel flat? Could it be that the impact angle varies enough to allow some 'roll' and thereby reduce the max G's slightly?

    Its hard to tell from the timing but is there a chance there is a shockwave bouncing through the steel, and this new accelerometer is more susceptible to the shock wave than the previous model?

    Do you have the option of running a test with a cushionable material (eg rubber or silicone) instead of epoxy? It may reduce the peak G's but make things more consistent?
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2010-02-15 03:44
    bambino said...
    The main problem with the device is that I am seeing 20 to 30 G's difference when dropping on the same surface.

    Because the drop is taking place inside a cylinder, I would question the role that airflow might play during a drop. See my attached sketch. In Case 1 the cylinder has air flowing around it very differently than in Case 2. If the clearance between the seals is tight, then you might have to worry about the seals creating momentary friction. But if the drop cylinder can rattle around a little as it makes its descent, then not only will you have momentary frictional effects from the seals but you also might experience erratic airflows that could affect your results. How the air moves out of the clear cylinder and/or around the descending cylinder might make a difference in the speed of its descent.

    just my 0.0002 cent worth

    1366 x 538 - 72K
  • jcwrenjcwren Posts: 44
    edited 2010-02-15 03:54
    I don't know how your Delrin or Teflon rings are attached to the piston, but maybe you could notch those, maybe in 8 or 12 locations to let air vent out faster. I think ElectricAye has a really good point.
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 05:21
    The Tube itself has slots up and down it's sides for air to escape. This unit is an exact replica of the predessor that has been in production and use for the last 15 years. The only difference is the electronics are inside the head and not in a box with wires running to the head. Those wires had to be held by hand during a drop to keep them from pulling loose.
    The circuit at the top of the thread is the one that is inside the head now without the addition of a temp sensor added to one of the prop's pins. There is no schematic for that as I added it to the current board as an after thought. The circuit works, just not as accurately as I would like.
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 05:25
    jcwren is correct, the rings are teflon. Any changes to the head are costly, because the head would have to be remanufactured to compensate for weight.
    The finished head, electronics and all is exactly 20lbs. not 19.8.

    Tubular, The things we drop on vary from rubber to polyeurathene during testing because the constant dropping doesn't effect there shock absorbance over time. That allows me to expect a certain reading while I'm testing. The end product for testing is playing fields!
    The Bottom of the head is flat.

    Electricaye, There is a float level embedded in the tube around the top collar to center the head prior to dropping.

    Post Edited (bambino) : 2/15/2010 5:34:36 AM GMT
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 05:40
    The capacitor I'm using is electrolytic, 10 uF. Does anyone think or know of any math that could suggest a better value? It seems to me that it charges up to a point and pauses before reaching the peak voltage.
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2010-02-15 15:51
    You say this is a wireless upgrade to an existing design in your first post. Has any of the analog circuit (ADC, diode, accelerometer, etc.) changed from that version? Perhaps you could post the old circuit for comparison.
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 16:38
    The old design was purchased from another company I have no Schematics for it
  • Miner_with_a_PICMiner_with_a_PIC Posts: 123
    edited 2010-02-15 17:18
    bambino >> pulling at straws but...

    1) The input impedance of the ADC is 17K...the RC time constant for this coupled with the 10uf capacitor is 0.17 will get some error (G underestimate) due to this. The good news is that this can be easily compensated for in your calculations. If you use the Taylor expansion approximation for e^-x for small x then for the RC value of 0.17 you will get about 3 Gs per ms error caused by capacitor charging effects...that is if the impulse duration from start to peak is 5 ms then you can expect ~15Gs of underestimation. How long is the impact duration from start to peak?

    Edit: Seems I was overzealous in the above calculations and made a pretty large error...the underestimation error would be more on the order of 2 or 3Gs for the 5 ms example NOT 15Gs. I am guessing that for the set-up (drop height/results) the time is on the order of 2 ms, so the underestimation error due to the ADC-capacitor pair is likely to be negligible.

    2) What of the calibration for the accelerometer? The sensitivity specification states +/- 10%; I am guessing the sensor came with a calibration sheet.

    3) Are you supplying very nearly 4 mA to the accelerometer (have you measured this directly with a DMM)?

    Post Edited (Miner_with_a_PIC) : 2/15/2010 5:56:02 PM GMT
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 17:23
    Thank you Miner
    I am at work now. But Promise to answer soon
    Thanks again
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 17:56
    The Window is 22ms
    The drop takes roughly 50% of that and half that is 5.5ms for start to peak, Soft G mats will be longer (8 ms) and hard surfaces shorter, say 3 ms.
    Yes there is a calibration sheet I, though I don't have it in front of me. The posted datasheet above has the specs. page2
    The constant current diode is regulating the current. I am not sure what it is supplying.

    The error coupled with the noise jcwren spoke of could account. for the error
  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 18:16
    Can you think of a capacitor that would give less error?
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2010-02-15 18:49
    Have you tried looking at the raw output of the accelerometer without any hardware or software filtering? You would expect it to be noisy but follow the correct waveform.

  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-15 19:15
    Hay Graham, been a while!
    No , not recently. Naturally I did before I wrote and tested the filtering code and I think once after that during a rewrite!
    I did once test the output without the capacitor. All I get is a spike, which would be allright with me, but the owner of the patent wants the graph to look the same as the old device so as not to confuse customers.
    It would be good for me to ouput the raw data along with the filtered for awhile just to rule that out though.
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2010-02-15 23:40
    I think looking at the raw data must be helpful, this may also help:

    The cap is a high pass filter (combined with input impedance) so it is unlikely to remove the oscillations but by lowering the cut off you may recover some lost signal from the lower frequency end. If your readings are lower than expected this might help.

  • bambinobambino Posts: 789
    edited 2010-02-16 01:22
    Thanks Graham,

    My readings are actually high in the target area, and get closer to dead on at the max(500).
    The posted readings where calibrated at 45% of the raw data, and they are·about 5 % higher than the predessor. Close enough for testing the temp sensor though. The calibrated G's for that drop is 118. I'm refering to the chart about halfway down the 1st page.

    In the next prototype, I am going to make use of the differential channels and feed the negative input with the output from a second constant current diode. This should cancel any power supply noise and zero my readings without haveing to adjust in code.

    Thanks for the link though I'll give that a read for sure. Even though my readings are high I still feel my capacitor is too big.
  • PhilldapillPhilldapill Posts: 1,283
    edited 2010-02-16 01:35
    I could be dead wrong in this, but I think your problem might be the electrolytic capacitor. They sometimes exhibit slightly non-linear charge/discharge characterstics. Why don't you try a 10uF ceramic instead? They are supposed to be much more linear with far less dynamic ESR.
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