No Propeller Chip Found.... Please Help!!
Hi. I have been excited about getting started with the propeller for quite some time now. I just received 4 new chips yesterday and have built the circuit in the PEFun labs to test them. I have good clean 3.3V fed to both pins 12 and 32. All wiring is correct. I am attempting to connect with the USB prop plug via F7(identify hardware). The prop plug registers as a USB serial port whenever it is plugged in. I have tried changing the latency, but no joy. I have searched and haven't been able to find any helpful information.
Are you sure all is well connected ?? if propeller is power up and propplug is corrected connected to it, all should work.
I gues that you have a mistake in wirings.
We've all been there. ... so we will be able to solve your problem quickly so that you can get on.
Could you please add a clear photograph of your board so that we can identify the likely culprits?
T o n y
Double check your connections. Triple check your connections. What looks correct and good may not be.
Is the serial in/out the right way around ie P30/P31 (one that caught me using MAX3232), does the USB do a loop back with the Prop removed, is it just the first time the PropTool refuses to recognize it, does a second immediate attempt succeed, are the BOE and /RST ccts correct.
Post some more details and many will help.
Style and grace : Nil point
Loop back works with the terminal...
Everything's out by one hole!
See page 2 of the following schematic!
T o n y Schematic.pdf
For example, count nine pins down - should be to earth ...
Post Edited (TonyWaite) : 2/13/2010 9:01:31 PM GMT
Post Edited (jeqbrown) : 2/15/2010 3:31:58 AM GMT
Could you please post us a new photo?
T o n y
There is always that P0 is pin1 ..... you can get and print out stickies for the chip. I think (hope) they are open ish. Scale, print and stick
Style and grace : Nil point
I have had some problems with the jumper wires being to short and not making connection on the breadboard, such as the connection to pin 12 of the Prop, (right side). It may not be making connection to the breadboard socket?
The Prop works from 2.5-4.2 V ok but decoupling is VERY important
Style and grace : Nil point
That's very unlike your most helpfull posts.
I think most new users are unaware of the importance of putting caps close to the processor. Yes, it shows up on the schematic but it doesn't show the placement criteria.
I'm quite sure Toby's post was not intended to be sarcastic. Phrased another way, I'm sure he meant, "Where would you find another forum where so many answers crop up so quickly?" or "I would challenge anyone to find another forum where so many answers crop up so quickly."
Our eyes sometimes read into things where we should not.
"Find another forum"·looked like·"Go find another forum".
My apologies Toby,
Welcome to the Prop... you could not have made a better choice.
On the frustration quotient... it helps to remember ... your prop is fine. Your Prop Plug is fine. It is possible to destroy a pin and it is possible to destroy a PLL, but that is about it.
Sounds like a power supply problem... give your prop plug a good long rest.
You don't show the bottom of your board. Grounding errors can also cause this sort of thing... and they can be anywhere.
In my life before Parallax, when this sort of thing happened, the problem could have been anywhere... with Parallax products, I now know with near certainty that if it isn't working... I've done something wrong. It is just a matter of finding my error... or how long it is that I asked for help. In the beginning, you are absolutely right to ask immediately.
If you do destroy a Prop, I will be hosting a free dinner around the time of the introduction of the PropII. We will be giving out various awards.
It is all my fault for posting minimal words just before switching off. Yes, of course, I was complimenting everybody (Perhaps it wasn't those elves that drank all the apple juice).
They don't like a 9 Volt PSU (directly) . Been there .... although the SD card worked again after it cooled down !!!
Anyway how is the "missing" Prop today
Style and grace : Nil point
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Any joy yet?
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Got the chips working.
One of the great things about the forum is that when a suggestion works, it's nice to report it.
Glad you got it working! Kiss everyone goodbye for a while - your a propellor head now.
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