Has this ever happend to you !
Well, today is my lucky day !
My garage and workbench has seen better days.
Yes, I mean clean-up and get organized.
What I really mean is having about three or four quart bags of various resistors laying around and not remembering where you put that last bag, you know the one with the correct resistance in it that you needed.
Well I have spent three weeks on my 6S clean-up and in the process lost my USB2SER to program my propeller proto boards and the home brewed propeller board that I made myself.
How am I to program my propellers without this !
Well to make a long story short, I tore into all my cabinets and bins again twice, checked everywhere. Still no USB2SER.
I gave up and was going to attempt to make my own from the prints from the parallax site this week.
Today, when I arrived home there it was, sitting on my counter top !
Yea Baby !
Wait, where did this come from ? I asked the wife. She did not know, I asked my son when he arrived home from work and he told me he found it where I park my car.
Wow, It was under the car...
It must have fell under there when I was cleaning the cabinets, with the car inside.
I fell so stupid and somewhat happy at the same time.
Looking for this has turned into an obsession for about two weeks, when I noticed that I could not find it.
I can now start working with my propellers tonight !
My garage and workbench has seen better days.
Yes, I mean clean-up and get organized.
What I really mean is having about three or four quart bags of various resistors laying around and not remembering where you put that last bag, you know the one with the correct resistance in it that you needed.
Well I have spent three weeks on my 6S clean-up and in the process lost my USB2SER to program my propeller proto boards and the home brewed propeller board that I made myself.
How am I to program my propellers without this !
Well to make a long story short, I tore into all my cabinets and bins again twice, checked everywhere. Still no USB2SER.
I gave up and was going to attempt to make my own from the prints from the parallax site this week.
Today, when I arrived home there it was, sitting on my counter top !
Yea Baby !
Wait, where did this come from ? I asked the wife. She did not know, I asked my son when he arrived home from work and he told me he found it where I park my car.
Wow, It was under the car...
It must have fell under there when I was cleaning the cabinets, with the car inside.
I fell so stupid and somewhat happy at the same time.
Looking for this has turned into an obsession for about two weeks, when I noticed that I could not find it.
I can now start working with my propellers tonight !
I've had trouble from them for most of my life.
Style and grace : Nil point
I always worry about losing propplugs because they are so small, I keep meaning to tie them on to a plastic keyfob or something
Post Edited (Graham Stabler) : 2/14/2010 10:42:46 AM GMT
Good story Rob7!
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I.
www.brilldea.com - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
For me, the past is not over yet.
Don't be so stupid. The borrowers would have kept the gismo for some vital part of their survival strategy. Everbody knows that borrowers have far more important things to do than idley tie knots in cables, so that proves it !!
It must have been elves just mucking about, they also tend to rewrite my PASM so that it doesn't work.
Style and grace : Nil point
Wasn't it Phil who has a huge red tag on his? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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It is like putting 14.99 gallons into a 15 gallon tank... you just feel so lucky to make it to the gas station (just happened)... then where did I put my cell phone?... 20 minutes later I find it in my pocket (just happened).
I'm sposed to coach swimming today.... where did I put my trunks?
If we could simply accept the virtual nature of our existence and directly confront God (who is our master and the creator of this particular series of games)... things might be a lot simpler[noparse]:)[/noparse]
(Incidentally, has anybody else had this problem: For years I have trained myself to always know where my car keys are, but now that I have a USB drive on my keychain I constantly walk away from computers leaving my keys hanging from the case.)
Signature space for rent!
Send $1 to CannibalRobotics.com.
Problem is, after a short while I had so many important objects covered in shark liver oil that the dogs couldn't find anything either. And then the dogs disappeared, too. No doubt about it, it's difficult to stay organized.
it I always have the thought in my conscious mind that I will put it right back where it belongs, because I never want to lose it. The nature of the lock
mechanism on the safe makes rekeying extremely expensive. Therefore, I pay special attention to the key.
Well, It's not where it belongs and no one in the house seems to have any idea what happened to it. I guess the elves are enjoying my stress.
and so, the journey continues..........
Style and grace : Nil point
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller propeller.wikispaces.com/MATH
pPropQL: propeller.wikispaces.com/pPropQL
pPropQL020: propeller.wikispaces.com/pPropQL020
OMU for the pPropQL/020 propeller.wikispaces.com/OMU
pPropellerSim - A propeller simulator for ASM development sourceforge.net/projects/ppropellersim
Mind you, I'm not sure why they are coming all the way to Australia to move things round in my shed. Maybe it is Gremlins instead? Maybe the Gremlins are trying to give the Elves a bad name?
I'm still not sure about the wisdom of tidying the shed. I tend to put things back where they came from, even if that place is a silly place. My pliers live on the VGA monitor. Not in the toolbox. But they never get lost that way!
YAY! Someone else who seems to be bothered by this. People seem to do this _all_ the time.
"I have to be careful I don't lose the loose nut when it falls off"
You only ever need two tools in life. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duct Tape. If it does not move and it should use WD40.
1..You will always find something in the last place that you look.
2. In the case of a complete disaster... grab your Prop-Plug first then load up the car with the kids, get your key to the safe, call the dog, pick up your girlfriend and get out of there before your wife gets home.
3. Loose nuts shrink slips.
and 4?
There must be a 4.... where did I put it?
*chuckle* - Billy Connolly agrees. To paraphrase in more polite language than he uses, of course it is in the last place you look. Why would you keep looking for it after you have found it? www.owensworld.com/jokes/read-74.htm
Addit re my last post, where have my darn pliers gone??
Post Edited (Dr_Acula) : 2/14/2010 2:03:58 AM GMT
Very dangerous in deed.
At my last job, I had to share the Tech project computer with twelve other technicians. I am just very happy that I did not run over it with the car.
Don't walk away from it for a second. It will be gone and these guys had a sense of humor.
I now have a dedicated USB cable just for my USBSER2, and a hanger to store it on.
Life is better !
Dr_Acula, Tried that. Didn't work !
Bill, I don't know ?
It seems that life can be funny if you look at it from a different perspective.
Post Edited (Rob7) : 2/14/2010 2:07:51 AM GMT
The correct answer is door number 1.
Our souls derive from the partition of His. So, it is only natural that at some point He would need someone to come in
and try to keep things tidy.
(Remember... this thread began in an untidy garage and the furtive attempt to rescue Parallax products.) A man, Rob7,trapped n the unmanly role of cleaning up his own mess. This is why we have mothers... this is why we have children. God gave them to us... as he gave us the herds to eat and the trees to burn.
The fact that God's helper had eight arms and could run circles around Him in times of war is simply the product of diffusion... not to be confused with the source of brake fluids beneath our car or the Check Engine light that illuminates our path.
Confusion such as this inevitably leads one to worship umbrellas, which is fine in London, but not in Phoenix.
I hope this clears things up[noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited (rjo_) : 2/14/2010 4:02:08 AM GMT
The blighters have drunk all my settled apple juice.
Style and grace : Nil point
I even thought about which one to use, I think I had one of those moments when red is black and black is red. Boom!
Gremlin Alert! No, I'm not talking about the American Motors
car from the 1970s, but rather those pesky creatures.
It's actually gremlins that stole your USB2SER converter.
They come out at night and make downright pests of themselves.
So it's not uncommon to lose some Parallax parts in the night,
the things which they covet the most will simply vanish or end
up in some other place.
You see, they also mess with your software. Did you know that
all PBASIC programs run perfect? Perfect until ... a gremlin gets its
sticky grimey paws on it.
In the future, I can only suggest you lay out some shiny tin foil on
your lab bench, and, pray that they will go for the tin foil instead of
the Parallax parts. I wish you the best of luck. Oh, and remember to
keep your car and computer locked up, especially inside the garage!
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We had one of those moments, at work this week. White or black, which is live - on some American kit. We thought it was black, but doubt was enough to make us Google it
PS If you put the mains onto that foil it will prove whether its the Gremlins/Elves or your own forgetfulness.
I have had pangs of consience about that last bit. Don't do it (somebody would) And no it isn't Elfen safety.
Style and grace : Nil point
Post Edited (Toby Seckshund) : 2/14/2010 12:32:31 PM GMT
For me, the past is not over yet.