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Using an array

HarleyHarley Posts: 997
edited 2010-03-01 18:40 in Propeller 1
I need to hand off a variable from Spin to PASM. I planned to use a spare location in an array already in place. But I get an error message of Expected a constant, unary operator, or "(". This was working OK prior to adding 'Nsamp' variable. I'm sure I've gotten into this fix before, but don't recall what it took to make things work. Wish it were simpler to work with cogs.

A2D     or   DIRA,Msk20        ' make A20 an output
              or       DIRA,asm_dira            ' make  A2 (pin 3) an output for A/D
              movs      CTRA,#adcpin
              movd      CTRA,#fbpin             '
              movi      CTRA,#%01001_000        ' POS detector on Apin w/feedback on Bpin
              mov       FRQA,#1
              mov       avg,#avg_init           ' start w/ 60 bpm pulst average
:initLoop     mov       hpix,#128                'count 128 samples/width of screen
              mov       _ptr,PAR                 ' pickup 'value' ptr to 'A2Dbuf' array
              add       _ptr,#4                  ' step past location 0 of 'period'
[b]              rdlong    Nsamp,_ptr              ' get value @ second location[/b]       <<<<<<<--- error line
              add       _ptr,#4                 ' step past to 1st A/D array location 
              mov       flag,#0                 ' clear flag each loop through array
              mov       asm_cnt,CNT
              add       asm_cnt,asm_cycles
:loop0        mov       samp_ct,Nsamp
:loop         WAITCNT   asm_cnt,asm_cycles      ' wait for next CNT value
              mov   asm_sample,PHSA
        xor       OUTA,Msk20               ' toggle A20 for A/D time marker   TEMP 
              sub       asm_sample,asm_old      ' WHAT'S THIS DOING ????
              add       asm_old,asm_sample
              djnz      samp_ct,#:loop
              wrlong    asm_sample,_ptr          '  store a sample
              mov       samp_ct,Nsamp
              cmp       asm_sample,threshold wc ' Now, test if at/over THRESHOLD
        if_b  jmp       #:exit                 ' exit if below threshold       
'              jmp       #:exit                   '                               JUSY A TEST !!!
              mov       ptr_old,_ptr             ' then, check if a peak POSITION
              sub       ptr_old,PAR             '  is more than
              sub       ptr_old,#20 wc          '  the horiz limit (5 positions; 20/4 longs)
              and       flag,#1 wz              '  test if flag set (= 1)
''              jmp       #:no_move
  if_c_or_nz  jmp       #:no_move               ' exit if left of limit or flag set (4*3=20)
        xor       OUTA,Msk20              ' toggle time marker LO   TEMP 
              shr       ptr_old,#2              '  get offset in 'pixels'; divide by 4
              add       hpix,ptr_old            '  correct remaining 'hpix' count

              mov       ptr_old,_ptr             ' get last ptr value INIT for MOVE
              sub       ptr_old,#20             '   adjust for 5 locations prior
              mov       _ptr,PAR                 ' set ptr to left of array/screen
              add       _ptr,#4                  '   of array (= to left of screen; 2nd loc.
              mov       ctr,#5                  ' set ctr to move 5 longs of data (8*4=32)
[img][/img]os_loop     rdlong    temp,ptr_old            ' get old value  DO the MOVE TO LEFT
              wrlong    temp,_ptr                '  to left side
              add       ptr_old,#4              ' increment both
              add       _ptr,#4                  '   from and to pointers
              djnz      ctr,#[img][/img]os_loop          ' loop until all data moved (4*8*5=160)
              sub       last_cnt,#196           ' fix mov_It CNTs lost (1*4=4; 32+160+4=196)
:no_move      sub       last_cnt,#20            ' fix for CNTs before jmp to no move(1*4=4)    '
              mov       tmp2,CNT                ' get sys ctr
              mov       temp,tmp2               '   save for later use
              sub       temp,last_cnt           ' form 'period' (last - previous CNTs)
              mov       last_cnt,tmp2           ' update last_cnt
              mov       tmp2,avg                ' get last period average
              shr       tmp2,#5                 '  only 1/32 value   (remove 1/32nd last avg)
              sub       avg,tmp2                ' reduce by that amount
              mov       tmp2,temp               ' get last period value
              shr       tmp2,#5                 '  only 1/32 of it   (add 1/32nd new period
              add       avg,tmp2                ' add back to average
              wrlong    avg,PAR                 ' write for Spin (display pulse rate)             
              mov       flag,#1                 ' set flag                                    
:exit         add       _ptr,#4                  ' now increment pointer to next long
              djnz      hpix,#:loop             ' loop until done 
              rdbyte    tmp2,atr_ptr            ' clear A2D gets done' flag
              andn      tmp2,#16                ' clear 'A2D done' flag; for ST7920 update display
              wrbyte    tmp2,atr_ptr
              mov       pause,sec
:dly          nop
              djnz      pause,#:dly
              jmp       #:initLoop              ' back to top'
' Initialized data 
asm_cycles    long      |< bits - 1             ' sample time (20 bits = 13.1 ms; 76.294/min)
asm_dira      long      |< fbpin                ' output mask
threshold     LONG      |< bits - 1   '$08_0000 ' 1/2 full value   TRY '|< (bits-1)'
'threshold     LONG      $08_0000                ' 1/2 full value   TRY '|< (bits-1)'
avg_init      LONG      80_000_000              ' = 1 beat/sec initial value (4C4B00 counts)
Msk20         LONG      |<20                     ' A/D time marker on pin A20 for
sec           LONG      8_000              ' one second of sys clock ticks
atr_ptr       LONG      atr
' Uninitialized data
_ptr          RES       1       ' holds pointer to PAR, for 1000 long samples
ptr_old       RES       1
avg           RES       1       ' holds average of period
flag          RES       1       ' flag for 1st value > threshold
temp          RES       1       ' working reg for measuring period
tmp2          RES       1       '  another TEMP reg
last_cnt      RES       1       ' used for last count of period
hpix          RES       1       ' #samples counter
asm_cnt       RES       1       ' holds asm_cycles and CNT
asm_old       RES       1       ' holds old value from last sample
asm_sample    RES       1       ' 'amplitude' of sample
ctr           RES       1
pause         RES       1
samp_ct       RES       1       ' 'divider' of A/D samples
Nsamp         RES       1
              FIT       496

Harley Shanko


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-02-09 19:29
    There's nothing obviously wrong with either the line you marked or the declaration of Nsamp later (RES). Could you have Nsamp declared somewhere else in your program? Next time please attach your source code rather than cutting and pasting into a code block.
  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2010-02-09 19:33
    Did you use the label Nsamp outside the posted PASM code? Maybe the variable in the SPIN-part has the same name?
  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2010-02-09 19:47
    Thanks Mike, I found a 'left over' reference in the Spin section. Dang, so simple to get caught that way. Had that variable declared as 'byte' in the CON. Thought it had been commented out.

    I'm running under Parallels on an iMac and find it a chore to move a source file from Windows to Mac OS for some reason. So figured it would be better to just post this snippet, as the program prints to 11 pages. Apologies. yeah.gif

    Thanks MagIO2 too.

    Harley Shanko
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-02-09 19:53
    I recommend switching to BST rather than using the Propeller Tool. It runs natively on the Mac. I've mostly stopped using Parallels. It's there if I want to run one of Hanno's programs, but between MacBS2 for the Stamps and BST for the Propeller, I don't need to use Windows much anymore.
  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2010-02-09 20:18
    Mike said...
    I recommend switching to BST rather than using the Propeller Tool. It runs natively on the Mac. I've mostly stopped using Parallels. It's there if I want to run one of Hanno's programs, but between MacBS2 for the Stamps and BST for the Propeller, I don't need to use Windows much anymore.

    I do use PASD and Viewport a lot. Wish they were also written to run on the Mac. I'll look into BST. Thanks for the recommendation, Mike.

    Harley Shanko
  • JackBakJackBak Posts: 45
    edited 2010-03-01 18:40
    Yeah, I like BST as well. I started using it on my linux system but needed PASD so I went back to my XP box. Now I just tried BST on the XP and everything is good
    (I love Brad's inclusion of ifdefs) but I can't seem to debug with PASD unless I am using the Parallax IDE. So no more BST and ifdefs .... sigh.

    Note to Brad if he sees this: Can we code fold based on defines ala emacs? or even manually if you put the +- box by the ifdefs
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