Upload from PINK to remote server - can that be done?
Hello again!
I'm currently using the Pink as a server but is not satesfied with the way it work. Because I have a dynamic IP address I need to tell the internet where my Pink is every time IP address change. But this is not the main problem, the problem is that the Pink can be seen from some computers out there and not seen from others. I have no idea why.
So now I wonder if I can let the PINK upload its web pages to a remote server instead of being the server itself. And not by using a computer to help. Any ideas on this, anyone?
I'm currently using the Pink as a server but is not satesfied with the way it work. Because I have a dynamic IP address I need to tell the internet where my Pink is every time IP address change. But this is not the main problem, the problem is that the Pink can be seen from some computers out there and not seen from others. I have no idea why.
So now I wonder if I can let the PINK upload its web pages to a remote server instead of being the server itself. And not by using a computer to help. Any ideas on this, anyone?
Can you verify the firmware version that is installed on the Pink module?
Joshua Donelson
That is what I figured; there is a newer version of the firmware released that has been known to help with this issue. Can you send me an email at support@parallax.com to set up an return number to have that sent back for reprogramming? If you have your Parallax customer number that would be great, if not that is ok.
Joshua Donelson
So next step is if it is possible to make it do what I asked for in my original question above. Joshua mention that the new firmware is known to help, but I have no idea how, and I don't have any description here, so I need some advices now!
Try this one: a dynamic DNS (www.no-ip.com or www.dyndns.com)
Can be seen from some computers: are they have the same provider as you have?
I have the same problem over here. My provider blocks every port number below 1024, only 'telenet' users can connect to my pink server. All other providers are blocked.
Maybe you have the same prob.
Im using no-ip.com, works good but every time I travel I forget to disable the program and once I turn on the computer it sends informations to the no-ip.com with wrong IP-address. So that means I'm not able to reach my pink before I'm home again.
I have no idea why some computers can see the Pink server and some can not, but at least I have noticed something. There are three computers here in my house, two laptops and one stationally one. The laptops was ran by Windows Vista and the other one XP. The XP could see the Pink both through WAN (la3usa.com) and the internal network. The Vista computers could only access Pink through the internal network. After upgrading the Vista computers to Windows 7 both computers now see the Pink both ways, just like the XP does. Don't tell me why but so it is. So I thought that maybe some ppl out there run Vista and thats why they cant see my Pink.
Among the other ppl who can see my Pink server, some of them share the same Internet provider as me and some use different providers. That is the same thing with them who not see my server, but I do not know what operating system they use.
I have my own web site, on a server that runs by my internet provider. What I hope for is that I could use the PINK to upload its pages to that server instead of being the target server itself. That could probably solve much of the problems described above!
I have never used Vista, so i can't help you with this problem.
About uploading the pink pages:
The only way (i think) is using cron. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron
If you can run php scripts on your website (not pink) you can get the pink vars and show them in your website.