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HMC6352 compass issues — Parallax Forums

HMC6352 compass issues

Damo2Damo2 Posts: 10
edited 2010-02-09 14:41 in Accessories
·I have the honeywell HMC6352 I2C compass.· I'm having problems with the directions, ie· from north shows 276, south show 232 west about 250 and east 55.· I'm not concerned about norht not showing 0, since thats more an issue of how it's mounted,· but more concerned about the scale of north-west-south is·44 degrees, and north-east-south·316 degrees.
I can live with some of the hobby-compass issues,· but would like north-south to be somewhat close to 180 apart, same with east-west.

I tried the compass with by BS2 and the propeller, same results, even after several calibrations.
I'm using the standard code provided on the parallax website.

Anybody else have similar problems ?·· Maybe I need to switch to the hitachi HM55B ?·


  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2010-02-08 16:36
    Can you post a couple of close up pictures of your set up?·


    Dave Andreae

    Parallax Tech Support·
  • Damo2Damo2 Posts: 10
    edited 2010-02-09 13:18
    Hi Dave, here are the pics of my setup, the first is the MSR1 board on the boe bot chassis, the second is my new chassis which is a toy RC tank frame.· I mounted the compass on a drinkign straw, to get it further away from the other components.

    Also,· I could not get the compass to work with the voltage translaters on the MSR1, so I disabled one of them, also, to 80MHz, it would·give garbage readings,·so I added a slight pause to the code, to give the compass time, and that seemed to work. But still readings are·way off.
    1280 x 960 - 288K
    1280 x 960 - 336K
  • Damo2Damo2 Posts: 10
    edited 2010-02-09 14:21
    Hey Dave, one thing I just remebered, I don't have a pullup resistor on either of the I2C lines, could this be the problem ? Or does the HMC6352 have these on the board ?
  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2010-02-09 14:41
    The resistors are already on the board.· Send me an e-mail at dandreae@parallax.comregarding this issue.


    Dave Andreae

    Parallax Tech Support·
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