Simultaneous Global and Local Variable References
Hi All;
In assembler I wish to have some local variables identified by the :VarName convention, but also access the same variable with a different but Global name. When I try to double define it, the Global of course limits the range of the Local, and defeats the intent
Is there a trick to make·this be possible?
Many thanks,
Peter (pjv)
In assembler I wish to have some local variables identified by the :VarName convention, but also access the same variable with a different but Global name. When I try to double define it, the Global of course limits the range of the Local, and defeats the intent
Is there a trick to make·this be possible?
Many thanks,
Peter (pjv)
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.
That method is so lost in left field it doesn't know the name of the game, but I use it when I need globals.
You may be able to find unused addresses at 32000, or OFFSCREEN_BUFFER, or near STACK.
It is unfortunately hard to find addresses in DAT space, although they tend to be offset by 16 bytes if you do.
I have a worse hack to do that with, by using a bizarre unusual value like $ABADF00D and searching
the whole hub for it using a variable to count to its address. Very inefficient.
Maybe not what you want. I'd wait for a better answer. Mine is awful.
I should be typing in Spin now.
@Brad... probably that I am lazy, and wanted to include a generic piece of code into several assembly cogs without going renaming the variables in each duplicate, yet still trying to access the routines individually.
@VIRAND.... I'm messing with assembler here, so I'm not sure how your comments apply.
@Phil.... I tried that, and as you say, ony a single variable is not enough. I was hoping that I could do some kind of equate in the constants section, but a label with a leading colon seems not permitted there.
Peter (pjv)
Post Edited (pjv) : 2/8/2010 2:10:05 AM GMT
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.