Advise me..
Thank you Mr.Mike Green for replay and valuable viewpoint.
I can see that, as you said it's not at all practical but however if the repeatedly measure of the distance well done (apart from doppler effect which requires more sophisticated sensor or circuitry) , and if there is an audio system which interprets that measurement into spoken messages, there will be a simple prototype of indoor navigation system, which maybe useful for blind.
this is my opinion, what's yours?
I can see that, as you said it's not at all practical but however if the repeatedly measure of the distance well done (apart from doppler effect which requires more sophisticated sensor or circuitry) , and if there is an audio system which interprets that measurement into spoken messages, there will be a simple prototype of indoor navigation system, which maybe useful for blind.
this is my opinion, what's yours?

My graduate school advisor was blind and had tried some of the early ultrasound devices. He very much preferred a seeing eye dog.