Understanding FSRW flush
I'm working on a simple data logger using two MCP3208s. My ADC seem to occur ever 1.5 ms or so. Which is plenty fast. But, it seems to take about 0.4 seconds to do pwrite and pflush, independent of how much data I'm writing. Is this normal?
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' Crystal and PLL settings. _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' 5 MHz crystal. cpin1 = 20 dpin1 = 21 spin1 = 22 cpin2 = 27 dpin2 = 24 spin2 = 26 OBJ sd : "fsrw" mcp1 : "MCP3208" ' ADC Object mcp2 : "MCP3208" DAT FileName byte "data.bin",0 VAR long Buff[noparse][[/noparse]5000] PUB go | counter, i, j, k sd.mount(0) sd.popen(@FileName, "a" ) mcp1.start(dpin1,cpin1,spin1,%11111111) mcp2.start(dpin2,cpin2,spin2,%11111111) repeat repeat j from 0 to 99 k := j*13 buff[noparse][[/noparse]0+k] := cnt repeat i from 0 to 7 buff[noparse][[/noparse]i+1+k] := mcp1.in(i) repeat i from 0 to 3 buff[noparse][[/noparse]i+8+1+k] := mcp2.in(i) sd.pwrite(@buff,4*13*100) sd.pflush sd.pclose sd.unmount

fast, but the SD card can have a significant delay at various times.
I would not be shocked to see a 0.4s delay for a flush every, say, 100 to 1000 writes, but most of the time
it should be *significantly* faster than this.
Note that the flush updates the data block, possibly a FAT block, and the directory block, so there's a fair
amount of writing going on, and the wear leveling code may need to scramble to find the appropriate
erase blocks to work with.
I would drop the flush unless you *really* need it and let pclose() finish things off. If it's a perpetual loop,
then you need to trade off buffering required vs how much data you lose to evaluate how frequently you want
to flush.
What kind of card are you using, and how do you have it formatted?
The 0.4 seconds is very repeatable with the above code - every write/flush takes about 0.4s per the cnt output to the file. I can upload an example ifyou're interested.
I guess i'm greedy because I want all my data at a fixed sample rate [noparse]:)[/noparse] So re-wrote this a little with two alternating buffers and a dedicated cog for acquiring the samples.
It works if the repeat until loops are commented out, but of course there is no timing between the writing and the reading to the buffer. If i uncomment the repeat until loops, nothing is ever written to the file.
MCP3208 hardware) that writes a file that includes the cnt samples (in ASCII would be nice)
and include the file it generates in the zip. I'll run it on my hardware here and my cards and