Prop Clip/Plug Transistor
Could someone please explain what the transistor does on the Prop Clip/Plug?· And is there a waveform or clock diagram available which shows what the reset output from the transistor to the Propeller should be for that circuit for given values of DTR and over the RC time constant of the cap and res?· I'm trying to debug a board.
Unless you have a scope though you won't be able to see anything. With a voltmeter the static condition of the reset line should be high as there is only a weak 5K pullup internal to the prop when the BOE line is grounded.
The transistor I chose is here:
Is that choice a problem?
The collector should be High the most time and not Low.
Have you connected the BOEn pin to ground?
This enables the internal 5k PullUp resistor at the Reset input.
As I had mentioned in my first post, but of course you need to actually read the replies properly to glean these vital bits of information.