A Programming Adapter is a Programming Adapter
One of my customers who was heavily into Arduino stuff was interested in buying one of my PRC boards and trying out Propeller. LIke most hobbyists he was watching his pennies. He asked me if the USB-BUB, which I sell as a programming adapter for Arduino would work with Propeller. I said I am sure it should but so far no luck.
A couple of hours later … success ... using a simple adapter board I call the Multi-BUB. Map the BUBs 6 pins to Prop PLug's 4 pins.
Well that got me to thinking … BUB versus PropPlug … Arduino versus Propeller … both use FTDI chips, both flag DTR to get into there respective bootloaders … BUB can do Propeller .. so Prop Plug should be able to do Arduino … right?
So, buckeroos, if you have all this Propeller hardware and would like to give Arduino a try, you can for about $3 worth of parts plus $10-20 bucks at most for a board and chip and support parts.
I uploaded two pix, but you can see more here
cheers .. BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
The Shoppe at Wulfden
A couple of hours later … success ... using a simple adapter board I call the Multi-BUB. Map the BUBs 6 pins to Prop PLug's 4 pins.
Well that got me to thinking … BUB versus PropPlug … Arduino versus Propeller … both use FTDI chips, both flag DTR to get into there respective bootloaders … BUB can do Propeller .. so Prop Plug should be able to do Arduino … right?
So, buckeroos, if you have all this Propeller hardware and would like to give Arduino a try, you can for about $3 worth of parts plus $10-20 bucks at most for a board and chip and support parts.
I uploaded two pix, but you can see more here
cheers .. BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
The Shoppe at Wulfden
There is only just slightly less intollerance of the AVR, than the Xmos, around here. You might need a tin hat.
I still have a couple, including one for "lunchtime", in a case Li Ion batts with Bat Socks VDU.
Style and grace : Nil point