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EMIC module acting crazy, no ok response — Parallax Forums

EMIC module acting crazy, no ok response

kf4ixmkf4ixm Posts: 529
edited 2010-02-03 15:44 in BASIC Stamp
hi all, i got an emic module i've been playing with this morning, it was, (keyword WAS) working great with the emictts.bs2 demo code. i loaded up the·easyemic.bs2 demo code and that worked great also. THEN i attempted to change the·easyemic.bs2 demo code from...

· DO
··· GOSUB Check_Busy
··· SEROUT Tx, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]Say, "this is a test.", EOM]
··· PAUSE 2000

to this...
SEROUT Tx, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]Volume=5, EOM]
· DO
··· GOSUB Check_Busy
··· SEROUT Tx, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]Say, "this is a test.", EOM]
··· PAUSE 2000

then i didn't get any response back from the emic module, along with the 'busy' led on the module staying red until i powered the circuit down. after re-powering the circuit, i got the same thing, flash briefly green, then orange, then stay red with no sound. (on the emic module). i then loaded the emictts.bs2 back to the stamp, and when i tried the demo 1 from the menu, i got static from the "i love basic" then regular female speech for the word "stamps". demo 2 from the menu gave all static, i then hit 'r' for the revision data and got the usual

Emic HWREV = 1A
Emic SWREV = 12
WTS701 HWVER = 02

WTS701 SWVER = 68

·then after powering down everything, going back through and checking all connections and repowering, i got the same thing, except this time no audio at all, i powered down, unplugged the emic module from the bs2 sic board and checked (again) the two switches on the emic module to make sure they were off, (they were). plugged the emic module back into the breadboard on the sic board, (yes in same position and with power off). powered back up then i got "No response from EMIC TTS" freaked.gif· i then powered down, checked all connections again and the code. nothing had changed at all. i then changed the
· DEBUG CLS, "No response from Emic TTS."······ ' ruh-roh, Shaggy

to this...
· DEBUG CLS, "No response from Emic TTS."······ ' ruh-roh, Shaggy
· GOTO Main
which then gave me the menu, i tried demo 1, which came up on screen saying 'i love basic stamps', the red light came on the emic module, then back to green and debug screen bringing back the main menu. (so apparently the emic is recieving and sending data?) i then hit 'r' and it gave me this back...

Emic HWREV = 00
Emic SWREV = 03

WTS701 SWVER = 00

and also whenever i hit 'r' again it would give me the same information except for the 'EMIC SWREV', i got 03, 16,1F, 02, 12, 00 every time i hit the 'r' key EMIC SWREV would come back with a different number. when i try demo 1, the red led comes on breifly, the debug screen says "saying 'i love basic stamps', the led goes back to green then the main menu comes back.

i have read something in the emictts.bs2 hinting to the fact that if you write to the AddAbbr too many times that the device would have to be reprogrammed. does this mean that the emic module is flashable or the default software can be loaded back onto the module? has anyone ran into this before? does anyone have any ideas?

Post Edited (kf4ixm) : 2/2/2010 9:45:43 PM GMT


  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2010-02-03 15:44
    Send me an e-mail at regarding this issue.


    Dave Andreae

    Parallax Tech Support·
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