Windows 7 64-bit works with the Propeller!
I just tried the Propeller Tool and Prop Clip with one of my Propeller boards connected to my new Windows 7 64-bit laptop and didn't have any problems. The USB driver installed as soon as I plugged in the Prop Clip, and I was able to compile and run a program on my hardware.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
I concure with the compatability. I have been running Windows 7 64 RC, and then installed final product. Been running great for 5 months without a hiccup.
Check out the Propeller Wiki·and contribute if you can.
But I will say Windows 7 64 Professional has been a joy from the start. I have not had to use XP mode yet.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Windows 7 is built on top of all the "good stuff" that Vista had + more added a lot more good stuff. I really like the fact that if your app just won't run (like it's 16 bit or something,) you have the option of using XP Mode, which is an actual copy of XP built into Windows 7.