logging gps strings
Hope fully last question for my project on this forum from all my silly questions

Any way, my question is how do I create a string that i wirte to SRLM's datalogger?
I'm able to get numeric values from temperature sensors and pressure sensors with no problem, only annoying thing is I can't get gps information to be·recorded in my text file.
my code right now is:
i'm using a slightly modified version Gps_IO_mini to get my gps info. Currently on my understanding on how my gps works (the pmb-248 from parallax) is that it pumps out ASCII characters that I can record as variables but that the autologger just·can't record. If thats just the case then I will just forget about the gps but if there is any other way that would be great!
Thanks for all the help so far (and for people minding newb questions!!

Any way, my question is how do I create a string that i wirte to SRLM's datalogger?
I'm able to get numeric values from temperature sensors and pressure sensors with no problem, only annoying thing is I can't get gps information to be·recorded in my text file.
my code right now is:
USB.addfield(@latitude, 10, string("latitude")) USB.addfield(@longitude, 10, string("longitude")) USB.addfield(@altitude, 10, string("altitude")) USB.addfield(@time, 10, string("time")) USB.addfield(@temp1, 3, string("temperature 1")) USB.addfield(@temp2, 3, string("temperature 2")) USB.addfield(@temp3, 3, string("temperature 3")) USB.addfield(@pressure, 6, string("pressure")) leds(1) USB.start repeat 60 leds(1) latitude:=gps.latitude longitude:=((gps.longitude)) altitude:=gps.altitude time:=gps.time temp1:=temps.gettempc 'works temp2:=temps2.gettempc 'works temp3:=temps3.gettempc 'works pressure:=press.read_pressure 'works
i'm using a slightly modified version Gps_IO_mini to get my gps info. Currently on my understanding on how my gps works (the pmb-248 from parallax) is that it pumps out ASCII characters that I can record as variables but that the autologger just·can't record. If thats just the case then I will just forget about the gps but if there is any other way that would be great!
Thanks for all the help so far (and for people minding newb questions!!