Servo pulse requirements
So all servos have a center pulse of 1.5 ms sent every 20 ms. But if you sent a 2 ms pulse, does the time in between shorten to 19.5 ms or does it stay 20 ms.
·········· ___········ ___········ ___
·········· |·· |······· |·· |······· |·· |
·· _____|·· |_____|·· |_____|·· |_____
····· 20··1.5··· 20···1.5·· 20·· 1.5···· 20
···········____······ ____·······____
·········· |··· |····· |·····|····· |··· |
·· _____|··· |____|··· |____|··· |_____
···· 19.5·· 2·· 19.5·· 2··19.5·· 2··· 19.5
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
·········· ___········ ___········ ___
·········· |·· |······· |·· |······· |·· |
·· _____|·· |_____|·· |_____|·· |_____
····· 20··1.5··· 20···1.5·· 20·· 1.5···· 20
···········____······ ____·······____
·········· |··· |····· |·····|····· |··· |
·· _____|··· |____|··· |____|··· |_____
···· 19.5·· 2·· 19.5·· 2··19.5·· 2··· 19.5
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
As far as what actually happens, that depends on what you've programmed.
Some servos have a center pulse of 1.520 mS.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.