Settings object question?
I downloaded the ROMEngine object from the obex exchange and I need some help to use it.
I want to write to the 2nd half of the 64k EEPROM on the proto board.
So I know that
is correct but is
and how does the address increase with a byte, long, etc?
Thank you
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Post Edited (computer guy) : 1/30/2010 7:12:06 AM GMT
I want to write to the 2nd half of the 64k EEPROM on the proto board.
So I know that
Data_Pin = 28 Clock_Pin = 29
is correct but is
EEPROM_Address = %1010 EEPROM_Size = 65536 EEPROM_Page_Size = 32
and how does the address increase with a byte, long, etc?
Thank you

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Post Edited (computer guy) : 1/30/2010 7:12:06 AM GMT
The EEPROM_Size = 65536, EEPROM_Page_Size = 32 are linked to the manufacturer specification for the EEPROM. If you are using the demo board or any parallax board the values are correct.
You need to verify this information against the EEPROM's data sheet you have otherwise.
The EEPROM address should also be able to be found on the data sheet for the EEPROM you are using.
Or·are you having problems with the driver?
The driver allows for direct memory acess to the EEPROM. You don't have to worry about an address increasing or anything else. You just supply the address of where you want the data to go and it goes there. Or you supply the address you want the data to come from and you get it from there.
You post confuses me. If you want to read and write the upper half of the eeprom all you have to do is just say "readByte(64564)" or something of that nature.
Post Edited (Kye) : 1/30/2010 5:09:37 AM GMT
Im using:
to get day_limits from memory. day_limits is defined as
I am using
to save it back to memory
However day_limits[noparse][[/noparse] 0] always comes back as 0 even after setting it to something else. e.g. 9
Anyone know why?
Thank you
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attach your code to a posting. - Oh sorry forgot it is commercial and you don't want to attach the code
best regards
I will paste the code for those that are too lazy to download a single file.
I hope this helps.
Sorry for posting so much text!!
Thank you
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Post Edited (kuroneko) : 1/30/2010 10:13:15 AM GMT
I missed them. I was going from the example that comes with the object.
I missed start and I don't think commit is in the example.
Edit: Is calling commit after every change to a setting a bad thing?
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Re: always committing data, it certainly slows things down a bit and puts some unnecessary wear on the EEPROM. OTOH it makes sure your data is safe. Your call really.
If I analyse right kuroneko guessed you might have not included calls to the methods start and commit.
The reason why I am insisting so penetrant on ATTACHING code is that if you can read the WHOLE code
you do NOT need to guess around what it MIGHT be. The code shows what are the facts.
My understanding of attaching code is to use the archive-project function of the propellertool and the attachment-manager of the forum-software
like in the picture attached to this posting
best regards
That is why I attached the relevent code only.
Kuroneko didn't really guess but rather he noticed that it wasn't in my post and concluded that I wasn't using them.
My problem is now solved and I am very happy.
Thank you
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