The original quote, which is Clark's Third Law from "Profiles of The Future", 1961, is "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". I took the quote from some later writings about Clark from an author that I don't remember. I've not read all of Clark's writings, but he may have used that idea in this slightly different form in other works. I found the original some years later, but just never bothered to change which one I used most often.
If it bothers you that I don't use the original, I'll gladly change my profile.
Any technology, sufficiently developed, is indistinguishable from magic.· A.C. Clark(RIP)
I think the most apt name comes from Greek Mythology, to wit (courtesy Wikipedia):
The common depiction of Cerberus in Greek mythology and art is as having three heads, a mane of live serpents (similar to Medusa's hair) and a snake's tail. In most works the three-heads each respectively see and represent the past, the present, and the future, while other sources suggest the heads represent birth, youth, and old age.[noparse][[/noparse]11] Each of Cerberus' heads is said to have an appetite only for live meat and thus allow the spirits of the dead to freely enter the underworld, but allow none to leave.[noparse][[/noparse]12] Cerberus was always employed as Hades' loyal watchdog, and guarded the gates that granted access and exit to the underworld (also called Hades).[noparse][[/noparse]13]
No, dont get me wrong, I just wondered if you too were a Yello fan. They used the quote on "Pocket Universe".
Now I'll stop being off topic.
Claro Que Si was their best album IMO, but 80-85 the new mix in one go also rates highly in my world. Actually they all rate highly (though I don't like Zebra much)
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
Am I allowed to vote on my own name? And what is wrong with Propeller Universal Adapter Board? Truthfully I wouldn't even read the article/webpage on it if it was called "The Borg". What does that have to do with a connector board?!? A title should tell what the device is and does, and although creative names are fun, (I gave a lot of them), something that tells the customer what they are buying when they read just the title will attract more customers and not get lost in the clutter of other forum threads. For example, it took me a long time to even consider reading the "Drachblade" thread simply because the title didn't tell what it was. It had a footnote of what it used but something like "Advanced Propeller Microcomputer utilizing bootloading and FSRW" would have caught my attention more, even if it was long and sounded boring, then if it was some name that had nothing to do with what it did. "Randy Dog" would also not tell a bit about what the product does nor would anyone even have a clue. I still don't quite understand that one. There are several other names suggested, other then mine, that are descriptive and eye catching at the same time. I think this should be considered before voting for some rediculous undescriptive name that was thrown out there.
P.S. I still think "Plug 'n' Prop" is cool.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Computers are microcontrolled.
None can be read and understood directly though they may be inspired by their function.
Calling the board something like "Universal Adapter Board" did not require a thread like this to be set up. Just about all products have a clever, catchy, witty or memorable name. There is no need to worry about threads being ignored, for example:
"Proptopus: the Universal Adapter Board"
"Trouble with my Protopus adapter board"
"I love my BoardHumper adapter board"
I agree it is a problem on the forum but it is not the fault of the product but of the poster. And let's face it you cannot expect multi page threads about something that "just" connects two boards together after this one.
Personally I think "it should describe what it is" is a dogma you should ignore, go for what you think sounds cool and add a tag line for description if it needs it. You should at the same time try to make the name sound no more grand than the product, The Borg might seem a bit grand, they buyer expecting something bigger and cubic?
p.s. "Randy dog" was a bit of fun and I think micro should have some faith in others to not vote for "some ridiculous undescriptive name"
I didn't mean to sound harsh about it, if that's what you think I was doing.
@Graham Stabler: Thank you for your opinion. I was simply stating mine.
@wjsteele: That is a cool name, however, I cannot vote ageist myself. Sorry. (donotquotethisdonotquotethisdonotquotethis...... )
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Computers are microcontrolled.
microcontrolled said...
@wjsteele: That is a cool name, however, I cannot vote ageist myself. Sorry. (donotquotethisdonotquotethisdonotquotethis...... )
The original quote, which is Clark's Third Law from "Profiles of The Future", 1961, is "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". I took the quote from some later writings about Clark from an author that I don't remember. I've not read all of Clark's writings, but he may have used that idea in this slightly different form in other works. I found the original some years later, but just never bothered to change which one I used most often.
If it bothers you that I don't use the original, I'll gladly change my profile.
Any technology, sufficiently developed, is indistinguishable from magic.· A.C. Clark(RIP)
No, dont get me wrong, I just wondered if you too were a Yello fan. They used the quote on "Pocket Universe".
Now I'll stop being off topic.
Style and grace : Nil point
The common depiction of Cerberus in Greek mythology and art is as having three heads, a mane of live serpents (similar to Medusa's hair) and a snake's tail. In most works the three-heads each respectively see and represent the past, the present, and the future, while other sources suggest the heads represent birth, youth, and old age.[noparse][[/noparse]11] Each of Cerberus' heads is said to have an appetite only for live meat and thus allow the spirits of the dead to freely enter the underworld, but allow none to leave.[noparse][[/noparse]12] Cerberus was always employed as Hades' loyal watchdog, and guarded the gates that granted access and exit to the underworld (also called Hades).[noparse][[/noparse]13]
So, yes, the name of the board shall be CERBERUS.
Claro Que Si was their best album IMO, but 80-85 the new mix in one go also rates highly in my world. Actually they all rate highly (though I don't like Zebra much)
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
"Propeller multi connector board"
Though I do like microcontrolled "Propeller Universal Adapter Board" sort of sums it up nicely..
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
Randy Dog (because it will mount anything, call it RD and keep joke secret)
That's a nice name but not that much to do with the board AAMOF....
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller
OMU for the pPropQL/020
Propeller Multipurpose Adapter
Propeller All Adapt.
Connect All for the Propeller
Propeller Connect All
P.S. @Ale: what is AAMOF?......
Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
SX Spinning light display·
Any technology, sufficiently developed, is indistinguishable from magic.· A.C. Clark(RIP)
Any votes on favorites?
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
Any technology, sufficiently developed, is indistinguishable from magic.· A.C. Clark(RIP)
Out of all that?
Signature space for rent!
Send $1 to
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
P.S. I still think "Plug 'n' Prop" is cool.
Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
SX Spinning light display·
I agree the name should be descriptive and tell you what it does.
Universal Adapter Board is the most direct and straight forward name proposed.
The Borg does tell you what it does it just requires a little more thought. It assimilates all formats into itself.
Randy Dog is kind of silly and not really a descriptive name even though it is to some extent.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
8bit - AD7999YRJZ-?500RL7
10bit - AD7995YRJZ-?500RL7
12bit - AD7991YRJZ-?500RL7
and all 3 of these chips come in both 0 and 1 varients(I2C address is only difference)
Just over 26 hours left. Rendered image has current first place Name.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
even so i will try to minimize it.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
So the name of a product should be directly descriptive of what it is?
Propeller, ipod, Kindle, Hydra, vinculum, PropGFX, Segway ....
None can be read and understood directly though they may be inspired by their function.
Calling the board something like "Universal Adapter Board" did not require a thread like this to be set up. Just about all products have a clever, catchy, witty or memorable name. There is no need to worry about threads being ignored, for example:
"Proptopus: the Universal Adapter Board"
"Trouble with my Protopus adapter board"
"I love my BoardHumper adapter board"
I agree it is a problem on the forum but it is not the fault of the product but of the poster. And let's face it you cannot expect multi page threads about something that "just" connects two boards together after this one.
Personally I think "it should describe what it is" is a dogma you should ignore, go for what you think sounds cool and add a tag line for description if it needs it. You should at the same time try to make the name sound no more grand than the product, The Borg might seem a bit grand, they buyer expecting something bigger and cubic?
p.s. "Randy dog" was a bit of fun and I think micro should have some faith in others to not vote for "some ridiculous undescriptive name"
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
@Graham Stabler: Thank you for your opinion. I was simply stating mine.
@wjsteele: That is a cool name, however, I cannot vote ageist myself. Sorry. (donotquotethisdonotquotethisdonotquotethis......
Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
SX Spinning light display·
Propeller Universal Board Extender System. Descriptive and could lead to interesting thread titles:
"Help, newbie having problems connecting his boards with P.U.B.E.S"
I don't know how well this translates but I can assure you it is hilarious within the high schools of the UK [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Oh, you want too, though, don't you?
Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
SX Spinning light display·
Micro please send me your address
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
I was just wondering what it was you had against Ageism?
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.