MLX90614 IR temperature sensor Can`t get any contact with the sensor
When the power to the sensor is turned on the propeller stops.
As you can see in the code, I have a counter to see it`s running.
I first tried with 5v, but now it`s running on a propeller pin.
The signal is connected directly and the reset is connected via a 1k resistor.
I have tried adress $5A and $00.
Any idea?
As you can see in the code, I have a counter to see it`s running.
I first tried with 5v, but now it`s running on a propeller pin.
The signal is connected directly and the reset is connected via a 1k resistor.
I have tried adress $5A and $00.
Any idea?
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll8x _xinfreq = 10_000_000 lcdtx = 10 mlxsig = 15 mlxpower = 9 mlxreset = 8 VAR long irtemp long tester long Stack[noparse][[/noparse]20] OBJ bs2 : "bs2_functions" serial : "Extended_FDSerial" mlx : "MLX90614" PUB start mlx.start(mlxsig,mlxreset,9600) bs2.start(21,22) cognew(Lcd, @Stack) tester := 1 dira[noparse][[/noparse]mlxpower]~~ outa[noparse][[/noparse]mlxpower] := 1 repeat irtemp := mlx.GetTempC(0) waitcnt(clkfreq>>1+cnt) tester := tester + 1 if tester == 1000000 tester := 1 PUB Lcd serial.start(20,lcdtx,1,38400) serial.tx(13) serial.tx(13) Serial.str(String("ac01")) 'clear screen bs2.pause(100) serial.tx(13) Serial.str(String("ac01")) 'clear screen bs2.pause(100) serial.tx(13) Serial.str(String("ac80")) 'home bs2.pause(100) serial.tx(13) Serial.str(String("ac0c")) 'cursor off bs2.pause(100) serial.tx(13) Serial.str(String("adLoading")) 'print loading serial.tx(13) bs2.pause(1000) Serial.str(String("ac01")) 'return home bs2.pause(100) serial.tx(13) repeat Serial.str(String("ac80")) serial.tx(13) Serial.str(String("ad")) '1.line serial.dec(irtemp) serial.tx(13) Serial.str(String("acc0")) serial.tx(13) Serial.str(String("ad")) '2.line serial.dec(tester) serial.tx(13)
My guess is that the mlx.GetTempC never returns. Maybe you should power on the MLX before calling the mlx.start. Maybe start is doing some initialization of the MLX.