DC power and circuit basics (looking for resources)
Posts: 40
·I am looking for some good resources for the basics of dc power and circuit building: website or books (anything) that will help fill in some gaps in my understanding: regarding resistors, capacitors, and nifty things like that.
I know it is a extremely broad scope of study so feel free to list anything that you have found to be indispensable in your experience.
If you convince yourself that something is impossible before you even try; you are sure to prove yourself right.
·I am looking for some good resources for the basics of dc power and circuit building: website or books (anything) that will help fill in some gaps in my understanding: regarding resistors, capacitors, and nifty things like that.
I know it is a extremely broad scope of study so feel free to list anything that you have found to be indispensable in your experience.
If you convince yourself that something is impossible before you even try; you are sure to prove yourself right.
"A complex design is the sign of an inferior designer."
This books purchase was 'suggested' for one of my classes in college. I still use it to this day
Used copies can be had off of Amazon, Ebay or Half.com for $10, and worth every penny. You may find some listed for over $100.
Here's a slightly newer version than mine, with viewable sample pages :
·"If you build it, they will come."
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM