I know SPIN and some PASM: What would be the easist language to build off of th
I was thinking hard today (something I rarely do) and I thought that I should learn a more "common" programming language because it would look better on a college resume. I am wondering: using my good knowledge of SPIN (sitll learning PASM) what would be the easiest language to learn off of that? Thanks in advance.
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Computers are microcontrolled.
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Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.
Also, take a look at Python. It's indentation-delimited like Spin. My personal favorite desktop language is Perl, but I wouldn't recommend diving into that until you have some other languages under your belt.
You don't learn C to bolster your CV (that's what C++ and C# are for). Even better, for a more "academic" look to your CV you could learn Ruby, Python, PERL or even Eiffel.
You learn C if you want to actually do stuff.
Intersting link here. Even after nearly 40 years, C is still at number 2 overall (Java is number 1, and Pascal is still there - but at number 17).
However, look closer at the first graph - C's only near competitor is Java, and Java is losing ground (along with C++) while C just cruises along as it has always done - if anything, C is gaining in popularity.
Also keep in mind this is across all platforms. In the embedded space, Java (and C++) are both non-starters. I'd estimate C has well over 50% of the embedded market.
Conclusion: If you want to do embedded work, learn C. For non-embedded work, learn Java. To just make yourself look academic, learn Eiffel.
Catalina - a FREE C compiler for the Propeller - see Catalina
I knew python before jumping in the prop in december. Picked up spin very very fast because of it. Its eerily similar, and amazing as i love both these languages now. The dynamic whitespace etc is pretty much the same in both languages.
My head is pasming!
I could (and just might, when it's not 11:00pm and I have to go to work in the morning) write a long diatribe about task vs language suitability. C is not the answer to everything; I won't write web apps in C. I also won't write embedded stuff in Perl. I won't write ANYTHING in Python, because Python sucks monkey butt (in 30 years of programming, I have only ever grown to hate two languages: Python and COBOL. And I will admit that COBOL has a place, I just don't like the language).
In short, dynamic dimensioning and automatic garbage collection are not panaceas.
Web Apps:
*Front End: javascript, css, xml(all not 1 of 3)
*Back End: PHP or Ruby I like PHP
Cell Phones:
*Java(If you can write Black berry apps life is good)
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Of course, whatever you learn today will be obsolete tomorrow.
Composite NTSC sprite driver: Forum
NTSC & PAL driver templates: ObEx Forum
OnePinTVText driver: ObEx Forum
In short, I am wishing to expand my options and see what I enjoy the best, although I think I will stick with microcontrollers as they do what I like most, connecting with the world beyond computers and devices, and the ability to use any hardware you want instead of building to program to comply with the current hardware, and this is why I will always have microcontrollers as my priority. But, I still want to be able to experiment with some other devices and see how that is, for being able to do more then one thing is great. Thanks for the help so far,
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John Abshier
It might be a good idea to just poke about for a while and learn a bit about about the various types of programming language there are out there - since you already know one procedural language (i.e. SPIN) pick an object-oriented one next (e.g. Java). Or choose a declarative one (e.g. Prolog) or an imperative one (e.g. Forth). The reason we have so many languages (and language types!) is that they are all good at solving different problems.
But learn C as well. I still maintain that C is the obvious choice for microcontrollers/microprocessors, since it is a low-level language (with high level features) in which it is very easy to do direct hardware manipulation. It shares that with SPIN, and you will find the transition from SPIN to C fairly easy. Also, the good thing about C is its ubiquity - you can be fairly confident that every microcontroller will have a C compiler (I'd say 'absolutely confident' - but knowing this forum someone would immediately find the only one in the world that doesn't
Catalina - a FREE C compiler for the Propeller - see Catalina
You would need to learn C and there assembly to program it. It is a traditional RISC processor with all the fun interrupts associated with that.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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It looks like a good place to start, though. What would you recommend for learning C? Or Java?
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P.S. the programmer is only $20 if you lose it.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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For your computer the JDK is available free here:
For C you will find all kinds of code examples and the MSP430 IDE at:
If you wish to learn PHP download xampp:
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
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Data structures and problem solving using java
If you pay shipping
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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Does it review the Java language in general or just that inperticular subject assuming you already know Java?
Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
SX Spinning light display·
Other texts I have that you may be interested in:
PHP in a Nutshell
CSS For Web Designers Only
Javascript in easy steps
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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The first 4 chapters give java basics. The book does not cover java applets though.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
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