Using Ping with prop boe bot
Hi guys I have been experimenting with my prop boe bot I added the ping system but I am using a continues rotation Parallax servo to rotate the ping back and forth. I just realized I only know how to make the servo turn in one direction with spin
can anyone show me the code to make the servo go backward and forward ,, thanks
can anyone show me the code to make the servo go backward and forward ,, thanks
BoeBotBasic has statements in it to generate servo pulses for up to 3 servos. The Spin routines are near the end of the main source file (servoProcess near line 1460 and the code for the statements near line 1250).
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 1/28/2010 12:58:04 AM GMT
Seems too complicated when you can just use a standard servo with the many examples that already exsist.