Counting problems....
In a code for a digital clock i use this instruction: "mins = mins + 1" (mins VAR Word) for·setting the minutes. It works execept when it going to change the 10'th minutes. For example can i see in my debug screen when·it counts: 28 - 29 - 2A - 2B - 2C -2D - 2F -30 -31 -32. Why does it count the letters?? How can i fix this??
Thanks for any help!!
Mikael S
Thanks for any help!!
Mikael S
I think you are counting in HEX. Do a quick search and you will see how to do base 10 and base 60 to use a clock function.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
· mins· VAR Byte
· mins· = mins + 1
· 'PAUSE 50
· IF mins.HIGHNIB = 6 THEN mins = 0
· DEBUG HEX2 mins
· PAUSE 500
· GOTO start
To enable you to read the value of your variable on your computer monitor there are several "formatters" that take your 1's and 0's and format them in a way you are able to read them.
In your code you are using the HEX2 formatter that displays your 1's and 0' as a 2 digit hex value.
What it seems like you really need is the DEC2 formatter which will display the variable as a decimal number.
Do a little research on computer numbering systems , it's really worthwhile.
Jeff T.
or· you need to ,HEX secs , HEX mins, ·HEX hrs
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 1/28/2010 12:12:58 AM GMT
However, the BS2 doesn't do this. When the low nibble counts from 9 to the next number, in binary (and hex) that's $0A, not $10. So, to send data (and interpret data) from the 1302, realize it's BCD. To send data (and interpret data) from the BS2, you can use the "DEC" modifier. But the two systems -- BCD and HEX -- ARE different from each other, and do require some conversion to use properly.
Post Edited (Mike2545) : 1/30/2010 12:48:03 AM GMT