eTape sensor
Does anyone have idea about eTape sensor, & can give me coding for it looooooool,,, i would like to know how u can connected with Basic Stamp??? cz the tap doesn't have wire connection????????????/ what should i buy with it???
- Stephen
There is no problem that can't be solved with a suitable amount of explosives!
EOD Memorial
Trying to program the eTape sensor using Propeller instead of Basic Stamp. Thought it would be similar to programming the AD592 Temperature sensor, but no such luck so far. Any suggestions?
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' 8x multiplier on clock
_xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' clock is 5 MHz
print : "Serial_Object" ' include serial object
PUB Main | tempk, count ' MAIN PROGRAM
repeat ' infinite loop
count:=cnt ' store clock count
tempk:=Measure_Temp(0) ' measure temperature on pin 0
Print_LCD(1,tempk) ' print to lcd on pin 1
'Print_HyperTerm(tempk) ' print to hyperterminal
waitcnt(clkfreq*2+count) ' wait 2 sec
PRI Measure_Temp(pin) | count,sum ' MEASURE TEMPERATURE
sum := 0 ' set sum to 0
repeat 300 ' repeat 300 times for average
outa[pin] := 0 ' set pin to 0
dira[pin] := 1 ' make pin an output
waitcnt(clkfreq/1000 + cnt) ' wait for cap to discharge
dira[pin] := 0 ' make pin an input
count := cnt ' store counter value
waitpeq(|<pin,|<pin,0) ' wait for change on pin
count := ||(cnt-count)-240 ' clock cycles (total-delays)
sum += clkfreq/count*355/1000 ' convert count to K, add to sum
return sum/300 ' return variable = measured temperature
PRI Measure_Column(pin) | count,sum1 ' MEASURE WATER COLUMN HEIGHT
sum1 := 0 ' set sum to 0
repeat 300 ' repeat 300 times for average
outa[pin] := 2 ' set pin to 2
dira[pin] := 1 ' make pin an output
waitcnt(clkfreq/1000 + cnt) ' wait for cap to discharge
dira[pin] := 0 ' make pin an input
count := cnt ' store counter value
waitpeq(|<pin,|<pin,2) ' wait for change on pin
count := ||(cnt-count)-240 ' clock cycles (total-delays)
sum1 += clkfreq/count*355/1000 ' convert count to K, add to sum
return sum1/300 ' return variable = measured temperature
print.startx(pin,pin,19200) ' lcd on pin at 19200 baud
print.str(string(22)) ' lcd enable, set number(don't change)
print.str(string(12)) ' lcd clear, set number(don't change)
waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt) ' wait 1/100 sec for clear
print.str(string(17)) ' Turn backlight on
print.str(string("Temp = ")) ' print text string
print.dec(cook) ' print decimal number
print.str(string("K")) ' print text string
print.str(string("Height= ")) ' print text string
print.str(string("CM")) ' print text string
waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt) ' wait 1/10 sec before stopping
print.stop ' stop print object
' print.start(9600) ' start print object
' waitcnt(clkfreq/100 + cnt) ' wait 1/100 sec for clear
' print.dec(data) ' print decimal number
' print.crlf ' carrage return
' waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt) ' wait 1/10 sec before stopping
' print.stop ' stop print object
' return