PC Power Supply interface
Chip Cox
Posts: 73
I'm building a project and rather than try and build an enclosure with wall warts in it to power my propeller and RC4 boards, I was thinking about using the 3, 5 and 12v dc outputs from a PC power supply to power my boards.· As is usually the case, I'm sure there is something I'm not thinking about, or an easier way to do this.· So what do yall think?·
Style and grace : Nil point
There are articles all over the net about how people have modified them for their needs. I didn't modify anything - just put a jumper in for the "on" signal in the motherboard connector and made various adapters to plug on to the standard 4 pin peripheral plugs. I have any of the output voltages available in whatever configuration I need them.
For a cheap solution, you can use a linear 3.3 voltage regulator off of a 5 volt rail.
obex has an app for that. err wait..
John R.
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