Using Windows HyperTerminal with Prop
· Using the BS2 object I was able to DEBUG to the Windows Hypertext Terminal.· This is a very basic question: how do I clear the window of previously printed text?· I have no experience with Hypertext and could not find any info in the help menu.· I also am not able to advance the cursor to the next row.· The CR function places the cursor back in the HOME position.· Thank you.
Post Edited (Mikerocontroller) : 1/25/2010 7:42:30 AM GMT
Post Edited (Mikerocontroller) : 1/25/2010 7:42:30 AM GMT
$0D or carriage return normally only ever returns to the left of the "carriage" or the same line. $0a is the line feed and so the correct new line sequence should always be $0d $0a.
carriage return moves the cursor to the home position.
line feed moves it down one line
Anyway the standard way is you send both - carriage return then line feed.
I use hyperterminal and teraterm. I just tested the following and it works on both:
To clear the screen send ascii 27 then "[noparse][[/noparse]2J"
To move the cursor to the top left, ascii 27 then "[noparse][[/noparse]H"
These are standard VT100 codes. There are other codes to move the cursor round on the screen, delete lines etc.
I wrote a tiny program in CP/M Sbasic on the Dracblade to test the above. It works on both hyperterminal and teraterm:
You can write this in any language you like - but spin would be the simple choice. Some kind soul may be able to rewrite the above in Spin.
P.S. just added some comments to the code
Post Edited (Peter Jakacki) : 1/25/2010 12:28:05 PM GMT