Code protection for the propeller
Has anyone devised a way to protect the code from being copied from a device or product that uses the propeller? If this has been discussed before I apologize. I did search the forum for "code protection" but it did not turn up any results.
I would assume that one could just copy the eeprom data and produce a copy of the program. Am I correct? Maybe the use of a Maxim digital serial number chip (DS2401) could be incorporated?
Any discussion?
I would assume that one could just copy the eeprom data and produce a copy of the program. Am I correct? Maybe the use of a Maxim digital serial number chip (DS2401) could be incorporated?
Any discussion?
Until the Prop II you might add a 1-Wire serial number (if you need temperature in your product you could use a DS1822 or similar to get a serial # and temperature) -- you'd have to program each product for the serial number, and obfuscate the SN within your code to prevent clever crackers from undoing your scheme.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Post Edited (JonnyMac) : 1/25/2010 3:49:15 AM GMT