Loading Propeller

Is there a formal specification of Propeller loading protocol? I need external micro (AT90USB162, to be precise) to load program into Propeller. I could translate PropellerLoader.spin into C 1:1, but a formal specification would help a lot in debugging.
Parallax probably will not provide a formal specification however, don't count on it.
Yes please.
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.
I would never think you could learn anything from me about loading Propeller
The day I stop learning things is the day they fill in the hole [noparse]:)[/noparse]
My father has a saying I'm fond of. "I don't have a mortgage on wisdom"
So, yes, while I've managed to get a propeller to load once or twice, I'd be *really* interested in seeing your take on it if you have the time to write it down.
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.
Post Edited (Andrey Demenev) : 1/25/2010 6:08:33 AM GMT
I was wondering what LFSR was referring to in the booter.spin file but I think I found it in this book " CODES: THE GUIDE TO SECRECY FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN TIMES"
Linear Feedback Shift Registers A linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is a mechanism for providing fast number generation, but is not cryptographically secure. We provide a brief description here for completeness and to illustrate why it is both fast and insecure, yet is a building block for more secure schemes. An LFSR is comprised of three parts.
1. A shift register of length - ∈ N, consists of a sequence of - registers (memory
cells) labelled 0, 1, 2, . . . , - − 1, each capable of holding one bit and each
having one input and one output.
2. A tap sequence is an --tuple of bits:
(c1, c2, . . . , c),
with c = 1.
3. A state sj , of the LFSR is the bit string describing the contents of the registers for states numbered, j ∈ {0, 1, . . . , - − 1}, given by
sj = (k(−1,j)k(−2,j) . . . k(0,j)), namely, register i has bit k(i,j) in state j, so the first coordinate of the subscript denotes the register, and the second coordinate determines the state of the bit. For instance, the initial state is given by the bit string, s0 = (k(−1,0)k(−2,0) . . . k(0,0)), called the seed. "
and it would work with this Delphi function ;
// Iterate LSFR
function IterateLFSR: byte;
Result := LFSR and $01;
LFSR := LSFR sh1 and $FE or (LFSR shr 7 xor LFSR shr 5 xor LFSR shr 4 xor LFSR shr 1) and 1;
Well, it serves 2 distinct purposes.
First, it ensures it is really a propeller (or something pretending to be one) on the end of the wire.
Second, it dies if there are communications reliability problems.
... so, I suspect "Link reliability check" is as good a description as any.
Nice document btw [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.