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Forum search broken? — Parallax Forums

Forum search broken?

jcwrenjcwren Posts: 44
edited 2010-01-24 02:57 in General Discussion
I was trying to search for all posts having the words "calling spin from pasm". So I went to search, selected the Propeller forum, entered "calling,spin,from,pasm", told it to search any date, used "All of the keywords and phrases" selection... and nothing was found (obviously I didn't put the quotes in to the search text box).

However, this post, clearly has the words, as do several others.

For grins, I also tried searching for "calling spin from pasm". No hits. Tried exact case. No hits. Just to make sure it's not some bizarre browser issue, in addition to Chrome, I tried Firefox. And IE8. Also tried different date ranges. No hits.

Oooh, gets better. Entered "calling Spin from PASM" (with quotes), selected "Any of the keywords and phrases", and got a nice crash (see attached image)

Am I doing something wrong?

1624 x 1224 - 110K


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-01-24 02:57
    No, you're not doing anything wrong (except for using forum search smile.gif ) Forum search never did work well, if at all. But now is broken, too. Your best bet is to use Google and to include in your search text.

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