Reading an address in RAM/ROM

Hello All,
· Is there an equivelant to PEEK/POKE in RAM/ROM in the propeller?· I saw in assembly a RDBYTE, RDWORD, RDLONG .. but I'm not sure what to use in SPIN?
Thanx in advance for you help!
· Is there an equivelant to PEEK/POKE in RAM/ROM in the propeller?· I saw in assembly a RDBYTE, RDWORD, RDLONG .. but I'm not sure what to use in SPIN?
Thanx in advance for you help!
Had me confussed.·
Entry := Word[noparse][[/noparse] ST ][noparse][[/noparse] I ]
Entry := Word[noparse][[/noparse] ST + I << 1 ]
<edit> That first one was not displaying the second brackets <grumble>
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.
Post Edited (BradC) : 1/23/2010 5:25:27 AM GMT