Yet Another RS232 Serial Programmer
Several years ago, when Mark McCann and I offered the Propeller Robot Controller I took the ubiquitous 3 transistor design and put it to copper and called it the "P1". P1 works just fine. The standard kit comes out to a 5 pin socket header horizontally. The pinout matches the Prop Plug and the 5th pin located adjacent to the RX pin takes in 3-5volts.
As an added bonus the same unit can be attached to a BS2/BS2SX OEM chip and replace a bunch of circuitry for a bargain-basement priced BS2!
I sold about 200+ of them and then kind of changed focus and stopped advertising them. I have recently refocussed on the Propeller and was cleaning up the web page and taken some new pix and was going to make this posting later this weekend when I saw the SerPLug posting.
Unlike the SerPlug guys it has NOT been my experience that the design has problems with USB/RS232. I have run USB/RS232 adapters, with FTDI and with PL2303 chipsets, on Windows for the Stamp Editor and the Prop Tool with the P1 with no problem. I have also run the same chipsets with a P1 on a MacIntosh under OSX 10.6.2 with MacBS2 and BST likewise with no problem.
The P1 is offered primarily as a kit, it comes with both pin headers and socket headers so you can chose to use it on bread boards or proto boards, etc. A single kit is $5 and $2 s/h, multiple kits are cheaper. I will ship an assembled/tested unit for an additional $2. I also offer bare PCBs.
The attached photos P1-14 shows two P1's one with the Prop PLug style connector and the other with the 5 pins vertical for breadboarding. The second picture P1-15 shows the P1 in use with a Propeller Proto Board and a wire jumper from pin 5 to pickup 3.3v from the board. You can see more pictures, schematics, assembly instructions, as well as order at my website
The P1 is available immediately.
Cheers … BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
The Shoppe at Wulfden
Post Edited (Brian Riley) : 1/23/2010 12:13:19 AM GMT
As an added bonus the same unit can be attached to a BS2/BS2SX OEM chip and replace a bunch of circuitry for a bargain-basement priced BS2!
I sold about 200+ of them and then kind of changed focus and stopped advertising them. I have recently refocussed on the Propeller and was cleaning up the web page and taken some new pix and was going to make this posting later this weekend when I saw the SerPLug posting.
Unlike the SerPlug guys it has NOT been my experience that the design has problems with USB/RS232. I have run USB/RS232 adapters, with FTDI and with PL2303 chipsets, on Windows for the Stamp Editor and the Prop Tool with the P1 with no problem. I have also run the same chipsets with a P1 on a MacIntosh under OSX 10.6.2 with MacBS2 and BST likewise with no problem.
The P1 is offered primarily as a kit, it comes with both pin headers and socket headers so you can chose to use it on bread boards or proto boards, etc. A single kit is $5 and $2 s/h, multiple kits are cheaper. I will ship an assembled/tested unit for an additional $2. I also offer bare PCBs.
The attached photos P1-14 shows two P1's one with the Prop PLug style connector and the other with the 5 pins vertical for breadboarding. The second picture P1-15 shows the P1 in use with a Propeller Proto Board and a wire jumper from pin 5 to pickup 3.3v from the board. You can see more pictures, schematics, assembly instructions, as well as order at my website
The P1 is available immediately.
Cheers … BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
The Shoppe at Wulfden
Post Edited (Brian Riley) : 1/23/2010 12:13:19 AM GMT
NO, you must derive power from somewhere. Most USB to RS232 adapters do not pass power to the DB9. Look at the picture P1-15 and see the red jumper from pin 5 on the P1 to the proto board's 3.3v area.
When I designed rev 2.0 of the PRC ( see ) I added a fifth pin so the P1 plugs right in. Of course if you build it up for breadboard use power is easy to grab.
cheers ... BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
The Shoppe at Wulfden
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