Ultrasonic sensor and Prop
I have a pair of ultrasonic sensors (Tx,Rx) I bought from Jameco. Can one of the senors be used for both TX and RX? Is there a difference? I know you have the Ping, but I want to learn how to manually make an ultrasonic transducer for subsurface analysis of metals. I am thinking one could send a 40 KHz pulse and listen for the signal. Amplify it with a 741 OPAmp maybe.
I have a pair of ultrasonic sensors (Tx,Rx) I bought from Jameco. Can one of the senors be used for both TX and RX? Is there a difference? I know you have the Ping, but I want to learn how to manually make an ultrasonic transducer for subsurface analysis of metals. I am thinking one could send a 40 KHz pulse and listen for the signal. Amplify it with a 741 OPAmp maybe.
I see on the Ping that the two sensors are side by side. Is that because the sound wave is propagated in the material and any where on the surface reflect back? Should they be at 45 degrees to reflect back?
There has to be a minimum distance to the reflective surface to mask the Rx from the trasmission still leaving the transmitter, wait a while whilst things settle down and get ready for the wanted reflection to arrive back, which will be at a vastly reduced level, all at the speed of sound.
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