Oldbitcollector (Jeff)
Posts: 8,091
I know there are a number of products (priced from $40-$99) which will
convert NTSC video output to display on a VGA monitor. (scan conversion)
Does anyone know of any chips/circuits which do this that could be incorporated
into a Propeller protoboard design? In other words, has anyone gotten this down
to a science without having to order an additional box and wall wort solution?
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convert NTSC video output to display on a VGA monitor. (scan conversion)
Does anyone know of any chips/circuits which do this that could be incorporated
into a Propeller protoboard design? In other words, has anyone gotten this down
to a science without having to order an additional box and wall wort solution?
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
An NTSC to VGA scan converter is just a complex piece of machinery whether you build it yourself on a Protoboard or buy a ready-to-go unit. You basically need an NTSC display that writes to a pixel frame buffer (like 640 x 420), then a VGA display at that resolution. You need at least a 32K buffer as well.
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