battery backup for Prop-Proto-USB bds
··· Hello, fellow time keepers,
··· I'm using several Prop-Proto-USB bds(dark-blue) for 24Hr[noparse][[/noparse]365day]
timer applications. It lets me set the ON and OFF times down to the second
per day or per year.
alas...even if saved in EEprom it'll lose its real time reference when the power
flickers or goes down.
The Proto-USB bds are powered by standard 9-->12V DC wall plug-in modules.
I'm currently using a missing pulse detector setup for 60Hz·· to switch in (fast !) an
external set of· of 6- D-Batteries during pulse misses, brown-outs, power loss,etc;
I wanted to keep this timer design simple; so, no DS1302 clock IC or alpha-numeric
display is being used.
I'm using only a few LEDs to monitor the "00" sec WWV beep to check up
on 5Mhz xtal drift and then push a Zero-Set Push button to synch up the time.
I scanned to see if in their vast circuit repertoire they might
have something more compact or elegant.
has anyone dabbled in this battery backup application as well ?
please let me hear from you; ·Thanks
· karl[noparse][[/noparse]i]
··· I'm using several Prop-Proto-USB bds(dark-blue) for 24Hr[noparse][[/noparse]365day]
timer applications. It lets me set the ON and OFF times down to the second
per day or per year.
alas...even if saved in EEprom it'll lose its real time reference when the power
flickers or goes down.
The Proto-USB bds are powered by standard 9-->12V DC wall plug-in modules.
I'm currently using a missing pulse detector setup for 60Hz·· to switch in (fast !) an
external set of· of 6- D-Batteries during pulse misses, brown-outs, power loss,etc;
I wanted to keep this timer design simple; so, no DS1302 clock IC or alpha-numeric
display is being used.
I'm using only a few LEDs to monitor the "00" sec WWV beep to check up
on 5Mhz xtal drift and then push a Zero-Set Push button to synch up the time.
I scanned to see if in their vast circuit repertoire they might
have something more compact or elegant.
has anyone dabbled in this battery backup application as well ?
please let me hear from you; ·Thanks
· karl[noparse][[/noparse]i]
so battery connection scheme >>> power_in_ground- |-Bat1+|--|-Bat2+|--|-Bat3+|--|-Bat4+|--|-Bat5+|--|-Bat6+|--->|----power_in+
ex. suppose V battery fully charged is 1.6V (yes they can be higher than 1.5, use a multimeter) then we have (1.6V * 6) = 9.6V ...the power supply should be 9.6V or higher (when fully loaded).
I have never used this but it should work...try it.
Years ago I used almost that exact circuit ( mine was 8 x D-cells and a 13.8V supply) to back up a Terminal Node Controller (TNC) at a ham radio digital node site. It worked through two dozen power outages over a three year period with one change of batteries. It should work here, considering the Prop's power drain, you might even get away with AA batteries, C's for sure.
cheers .... BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
The Shoppe at Wulfden
The cells do not require any balancing as the 1 Amp (max) is quite kind to the sort of punishment they got in the laptop.Make sure that you put a fuse in the battery lead, this will save charging faults, and more likely, frazzled Prop bits. Batteries show little mercy!
Style and grace : Nil point
this way I'm running off the battery all the time, and if power goes out the prop will not miss a beat.
Bill S
battery backup can have a host of nuances, from heavy-duty, like you , "lockadoc" suggested to just bridging the first
sign of power-interruption and then having a minute to shut down. In my timing applications, I wanted something
really, simple, portable, light-weight, compact, etc, and it only needs to keep the prop-USB bd clock going when
I'm out of town for a few days. When I'm at home and the power goes down I can easily do a reboot with the correct
time/date stamp. I'm also using one Prop-USB bd for a window blinds controller which changes the angle of the slats
in the morning and then again at night. Another one is used in a telephone answerer application.
thanks again,