What do all those pins go to?

Could someone provide a list of the I\O pin connections on the hydra?
The manual has me thoroughly confused.
Nothing will happen if you click <HERE>.
I'm smart, cause' I say smart stuff like this:
"Hardware is what you have if you want to make that little light on the front turn on."
"Sometimes some stuff does stuff like... um..."
Be careful the pins are labeled P0-P31 but they are elsewhere on the chip which has pins 1 through 40.
Um... I think there's a chart on Propeller Wiki called something like Propeller Board Pins.
All I remember is... not sure but probably...
P0-7 is experiment card, 0 is also an LED on the mobo, 7 is for sound, 0-7 is also for VGA not used much on Hydra.
P2-6 are also used by the etherx card or the SD-card-slot card if you get either of those,
SD is more commonly used and it can hold ALL of the games I think. (Esp.w. new femtobasics and PropDOS)
P8-9 and 10-11... joysticks
P12-15, 16-19... keyboard and mouse
P20-23...maybe "hydra-net?" rarely used so just like P2-6, available for experiments.
P24-27 TV antenna or composite video plug, after combined by resistors to make analog signals.
P28-29 is serial/programming cable
P30-31 is eeprom (and also game card). Most Games only use 32KB but each HYDRA eeprom is 128KB...and...
(the book doesn't say but the mobo eeprom moves higher up in memory so there's 256KB when the game card is in.)
Oh, and the P numbers are what is accessed by DIRA, INA, OUTA commands in Spin,
so OUTA[noparse][[/noparse] 0 ]:=0 turns off the LED and OUTA[noparse][[/noparse] 0 ]:=1 turns it on because P0 is the LED pin.
Post Edited (VIRAND) : 1/28/2010 2:17:00 PM GMT
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