Can't find Propeller any more
Hi friends,
i can't understand what is going on over here. I've got the Propeller Platform Module, it was running very vell over a few weeks.
As i wanted to try a new code today, Propeller Tools says that it couldn't find any propeller chip on any serial port! I've got the board connected via PropPlug!
THe Program i have running on the EEPROM seems to run properly, as it sends values via RS232 to my serial terminal on the PC!
So the Propeller seems to run, but is not detectable! Is it possible that i destroyed just a part of the prop?
Thank you for your help,
i can't understand what is going on over here. I've got the Propeller Platform Module, it was running very vell over a few weeks.
As i wanted to try a new code today, Propeller Tools says that it couldn't find any propeller chip on any serial port! I've got the board connected via PropPlug!
THe Program i have running on the EEPROM seems to run properly, as it sends values via RS232 to my serial terminal on the PC!
So the Propeller seems to run, but is not detectable! Is it possible that i destroyed just a part of the prop?
Thank you for your help,
Of course, it could be a loose connection. Pull out the PropPlug and give the header a bit of a squeeze to increase the tension of the header pins going into the PropPlug.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Hm when i stick the PropPlug in and i check the connection with my multimeter, everything looks ok, the Pins of the PropPlug are connected to the pins at the propeller.
hargh... i hate these problems....
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As i wanted to measure a voltage on my board, i connected the analog-ground with the ground for the mcp.
The VRef is the maximum voltage i want to measure, which is also the 3,3V-Voltage, this is why i connected the VRef and the VDD-Pin!
For testing, i connected Channel 0 with the 3,3V-Voltage line (i expected to get a 255, which i finally got).
Could there be a problem?
I tried this board on another prop board. Firt it worked, it sent me all the values i wanted to see. But as i shut the prop off and on again, propeller tool wasn't able to find the prop anymore, although i haven't connected the board anymore!!
WAAAAAHHHH looks like i destroyed both propellers!
Here's the code i use:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 BaudRate = 9600 'Baud RxPin = 31 'For RS232 TxPin = 30 'For RS232 CommsMode = %0000 'See SerialMirror.spin for meaning OBJ mcp : "MCP3208" sm : "SerialMirror" PUB main | adc sm.start(RxPin, TxPin, CommsMode, BaudRate) dira~~ outa:=1 dira~~ outa:=0 mcp.start(6, 5, 7, 0000000000000001) repeat adc := mcp.average(0,10) sm.tx(adc.byte[noparse][[/noparse]0]) sm.tx(adc.byte) waitcnt(cnt + 100_000_000)
i used Pin 3 (High) for the VRef/VDD-Line of the MCP and Pin 4 (Low) for the GND/AGND-Line of the MCP. Is that not allowed?
It's not like that this would have destroyed your Propeller chips, still, developing good design habits that protect from programming errors is important.
[noparse][[/noparse]Update] Do you realize that dira~~ makes all of your IO pins outputs? -- probably not a good idea; you should focus on the pins you need. If all pins are outputs then you could have a conflict on P31 which is normally set to input mode for receiving serial data from the PropPlug. You'd also be writing a 0 to P30 which would look like a start or 0 bit on P30. Remember, if any cog makes a pin an output then it's an output.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Post Edited (JonnyMac) : 1/19/2010 7:59:09 PM GMT
i Think it should help to start the prop without the eeprom?
and the problem with DOut and DIn: Thats how it's written in the MCP3208-driver!
But i'd be glad if could get my prop-board working again. If i can identifiy my prop again, i'll start a new approach with the ADC (it isn't connected anymore) and, to be sure, there will certainly be some more resistors [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Well, i disconnected the EEPROM and tried to programm the RAM - but the PropTool still says no Propeller found! Do i have to buy a new Proppeller/EEPROM/PropPlug?
Post Edited (propwell) : 1/19/2010 8:46:44 PM GMT
Edit >> Ouch, its either your prop or your prop plug that could have taken a hit...if you have another propeller chip try programming it. If you don't have a propeller chip handy then you could try to remove the prop from any hardware, connect the TX to the RX....NO OTHER up the "parallax serial terminal" (has the earth and a little computer in the shortcut icon) that comes with the spin programming tool. Set up your com-port, serial speed (any will do) and enable the port (lower right most button)...type text in the very top most box (grey colored), if all is well the same characters should show up in the blue output box.
Post Edited (Miner_with_a_PIC) : 1/19/2010 9:10:01 PM GMT
The strange thing is that the program on the EEPROM seems to be working fine (surely with the EEPROM connected [noparse];)[/noparse] )
Looks like the Propeller got destroyed. Unfortunately, i don't have one handy, so i have to buy another one.
But another question: Is there the chance of a possibility that the error came from my USB-Cable / Computer? I have another board, which i want to program that week, but now i'm a bit in fear of destroying that one to, and that would be the biggest catastrophe ever!
Thank you!
I have let the propPlug lay aside the whole night, but in the morning, nothing changed. Power supply: I can measure a voltage of 3,28V and 4,99V on my Board, should be ok, or?
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A couple of things.
Without the EEPROM,F7/ F10 should still work. F11 will fail. If you can't even get F7/F10 to work then there is something more sinister going on.
If you have killed the PLL, then you will be able to load the prop and program the eeprom but if your program selects a PLL mode it just won't run.
If you want to test your prop plug, put a resistor between the TX and RX pins and connect to it with hyperterminal (Turn hardware flow control off). If you can see what you type coming back then it's probably ok.
Life may be "too short", but it's the longest thing we ever do.
i got a new Propeller chip today and TA-DA: it works again. So, somehow i managed to destroy my Prop!
Can anyone please explain me how to connect the ADC to my Propeller, without the chance to crash the whole board?
here's the datasheet:
Thank you very much!
Or does it need to much current and destroys my Prop?
Thank you all!
Incidentally if you are concerned about damage to your ADC analog inputs from high voltages a >>MINOR<< amount of protection can be afforded them by adding a series resistor...see figure 4-2 on page 14 for more details...Since the expected degradation in performance is minor you might want to use these if your design is reliability centric. You would want to use the highest resistance for the given sample rate...take care that your clock frequency does not go below 10 KHZ (see section 6.2 Maintaining Minimum Clock Speed).