<help> Serial RS232 doesn't work
Hello, I am a newbie with parallax propeller P8X32A.
I have build serial to propeller circuit from this link http://www.parallax.com/DiagramsSchematicsandImages/tabid/254/Default.aspx ,
After finish, I try to connect to computer via serial with propeller tool v 1.2.6, but the computer
doesn't find any propeller chip.
Anybody know how to solve it??
I have checked all of my connection, and I am sure there is no mistake.
Are there any driver that I should install before use serial connection?
I have build serial to propeller circuit from this link http://www.parallax.com/DiagramsSchematicsandImages/tabid/254/Default.aspx ,
After finish, I try to connect to computer via serial with propeller tool v 1.2.6, but the computer
doesn't find any propeller chip.
Anybody know how to solve it??
I have checked all of my connection, and I am sure there is no mistake.
Are there any driver that I should install before use serial connection?

1) The Propeller has to have power. The crystal, if any, doesn't have to work for downloading and the EEPROM doesn't have to be there unless you try to download to EEPROM.
2) There has to be a functioning serial connection including the DTR control line.
3) If you're using USB, the USB to Serial Adapter has to properly implement the DTR signal line. Many Adapters do not do this.
4) If you're using USB, the proper USB driver has to be installed. The default Windows driver doesn't work for downloading (or identifying a Propeller).
I don't know that my crystal work or not.
How to check it?
I use serial connection,and it has DTR control line.
When I connect my propeller circuit to PC, I check the voltage at P11(RESn) to the ground and it's about 2.2V.
I check P31 and its about 3.3V.
P30 give about 1.2V.
I don't know where the problem is.
I suspect my transistor, but I don't know how to check it.
I also don't know that my propeller is fine or not...??
Crystals usually work unless they are dropped many feet onto a hard surface or stepped on or smashed with a hammer. Like I said, the crystal doesn't have to work for downloading or the identification process.
Transistors usually work unless you've damaged them by putting too much current through them. The easiest way to check a transistor is to try another one in its place.
The only way to check a Propeller is to put it into a known good circuit like the one you are trying to get to work.
There have been many people who have had problems with their software "finding" either a Propeller or a Stamp and have claimed that they've checked their wiring carefully. In almost all cases, they have eventually found a power problem or a wiring problem, sometimes a problem with their serial cable.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 1/20/2010 3:34:16 PM GMT
So when you say P30, P31 do you mean Pin 30 and 31 of the DIP (the Oscillator pins) or the Port-pins 30,31 at Pins 39 and 40 of the DIP?
The Serial Interface must be connected at Port-pins 30 and 31 and not to the XO, XI Pins!
Have you tied the BOEn Pin to Ground?