Will this kill my Hydra?
Brace yourself: Noob question ahead...
I need to take the Propeller chip out of it's DIP socket (On the hydra).
How can I do this without breaking anything?
I need to take the Propeller chip out of it's DIP socket (On the hydra).
How can I do this without breaking anything?
Yes, you can do this, but you must be careful. The socket which holds the chip has a firm grip on it's pins.
Very important, Make sure the power is off, and there is no power supply connected to the board in question. If you do this with a battery or power supply connected, be warned, you may not have a working chip when you are done. Also, you may fine power accidentally, which your body will not enjoy. Safety warning complete
To do this you need a couple of tools. First you need something extremely flat. A nice metal fingernail file can work. You want to gently raise the chip to a point in which you can get a thicker stiffer tool under neath the chip. A popsicle stick (tongue depressor) would be my recommended tool after the fingernail file. The wood stick is less likely to mar any item. Mainly you want to be careful and not break the socket which holds the chip (or any of the pins on that chip).
A screw driver is not an item I would recommend, but can be used if you do not use any part of the board as a pry point. If you twist the screw driver you will mar the socket.
The last few millimeters of removal are the most critical. This is because the pins will not all release at once. If you are not careful, one end (or side ) will release leaving the others captured, and you will twist the chip bending the pins. I have done this many times, and most times you can straighten the pins. But the possibility is there you could break a pin.
The best method I have found to remove a chip is to place the wood stick totally under the chip (after the slight lift from a flat item like a fingernail file), where you can grab both ends. Then using your thumbs to hold the chip against the stick, and fingers to supply a lifting pressure, you should be able to lift the chip out parallel and flat.
I know it sounds complicated, but once you get the popsicle stick under it, you will see what I mean. You must hold the chip down to the stick, and lift the stick at the same time. This will keep the chip from twisting when the pins start to disengage their respective sockets.
Whew......that was a long post, just for removing a chip. Many will say I over analyzed the procedure, but when you remove chips all the time, a good procedure to keep the pins relatively straight will save those pins from breaking in the future. Even if you do it right, sometimes the pins will need a slight adjustment, for it is almost impossible to lift perfectly vertical with your hands alone.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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Post Edited (James Long) : 1/17/2010 9:24:42 PM GMT
Nothing will happen if you click <HERE>.
In lack of a popsicle stick, you can use a knife.
Nothing will happen if you click <HERE>.
Hopefully a knife in dire need of a sharpening (read "butter" knife).
Oh yeah.....congratulations........ You are now certified in Chip removal 101.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
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