somone help plz!
Ok, i'm at the verge of insanity!! I wrote a few posts asking how to get my pmb-248 gps to work propely which it finally did. I was able to get Degrees and Minutes onto a flash drive with a·parallax datalogger however I can't get my coordinates down to seconds! I've searched the forums, went through google and found nothing
. Somone please help me! Its probably an obvious mistake that a only a newbie like me can make. Any help appreciacted.

USB.OpenForWrite(string("data.txt")) 'Writes to the data.txt file and records the coordinates USB.WriteLine(string("longitude is...")) Usb.Write(num.ToStr(atoi(gps.longitude,3),Num#DEC3)) USB.Write(string(".")) USB.write(num.ToStr(((atoi(gps.longitude+3,2))),Num#DEC3)) ' Usb.Write(string(".")) USB.write(num.ToStr((atoi(gps.longitude+5,4)),Num#DEC5)) USB.Close(string("data.txt"))
Or DD MM.mmmm ??
longitude is...
71. 43. 0000
longitude is...
71. 43. 0000
All I get are zeroes for the .mmmm
Why don't you simply print out substrings?
You should provide the code (use the propeller tool archieve function and attach it to your post). Then we can have a look at everything. Most times the problems are hidden somewhere else and not in the snippet posted here.
Does this value contain all the information you want to extract?
I'm not sure if your GPS is supplying USB or RS-232 data. Have you hooked it to a PC and monitored the data stream to ensure it is sending what you expect?
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