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Help with Jan. NutsVolts SIRCS,PROPELLER STYLE! — Parallax Forums

Help with Jan. NutsVolts SIRCS,PROPELLER STYLE!

lockadoclockadoc Posts: 115
edited 2010-01-17 18:23 in Propeller 1
I'm Trying to use this method in an other object and I just don't get it.
Can someone please help me.

My pin useage is:
pin 16 IR receiver
pin·1 Led 1
pin·2 Led 2
pin 3 Led 3
pin 4 Led 4

The last 2 bits from the IR receiver are:
Channel up·····00
Channel DWN ·01
Volume Up······10
Volume DWN···11

The full 32 bits for Channel Up is·· 00000000000000000001000010010000
only the last 2 bits change for the other buttons I'm using.

···· What I need is an Example of when up channel is pressed LED 1 comes on for 2 seconds
········ dwn channel is pressed LED2 comes one for 2 seconds
········ volume up is pressed LED 3 comes on for 2 seconds
········ volume dwn is pressed LED comes on for 2 seconds

I attached the demo program from the package that I downloaded from the Jan. Nuts and Volts·article(the web site is WWW.NUTSVOLTS.COM). With this information I should be able to figure out how to use it in my object.
······················ Thanks
··························· Billy S


  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,236
    edited 2010-01-15 22:51
    You're gonna kick yourself when you see how butt-simple this... tongue.gif

    I used my SIRCS sniffer to determine the key codes. The lower seven bits for those keys are the same for 12- and 20-bit SIRCS so I mask off other bits; this lets the program work in 20-bit (e.g. DVD) or 12-bit (e.g. TV) mode. I have a Sony remote with a TV/DVD switch and I verified both settings.

    Let me suggest that you had enough information to do what you wanted to do... you simply lacked the courage to try it for yourself. Hopefully, after seeing this, you'll give yourself the benefit of the doubt next time and give it a rip!

    Jon McPhalen
    Hollywood, CA
  • lockadoclockadoc Posts: 115
    edited 2010-01-16 03:53
    Thanks just got back from dinner,, I will be working with for the rest of the night.
    Took a quick look and it does look pretty easy, even for a dummy like me...

    Billy S
  • lockadoclockadoc Posts: 115
    edited 2010-01-17 00:58
    Thanks for your help , it was real easy to modify the method you uploaded.

    I'm uploading the changes I made, it is·going to be part of a much larger object.


    added 1-16-10· 11:00 PM

    pins are

    16 for IR receiver

    1 to 7 for LEDS


    ·The goal I'm going for in this object is an Eight channel light timer for some party lights.
    ········ I have a four hundred foot long chain of 120 volt lights. the controller will be in the middle with
    ········ four channels to the left and four to the right using 8)25amp solid state relays.All the lights will
    ········ come on at dusk,than at 11:00pm 2 channels will go off, at 12:00am 2 more cannels will go off, than at 1:00am
    ········ 2 more channel will go off. Leaving the two remaing channels on until dawn.

    ·Added features:
    ·········· 1- Have some preprogrammed Lightshows (make the lights blink) that run for a few minutes than return to the
    ·········· default light timing control
    ·········· 2- A tv remote control to activate and change the light Lightshow
    ·········· 3- With the push of a button (one on the contoller box with an other on the Tv remote control)
    ············· all lights will go back on for one hour then return to the default timing control·
    ·········· 4- A heartbeat led blinking to let me know its running.

    ··· Bill S.

    Post Edited (lockadoc) : 1/17/2010 4:02:52 AM GMT
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,236
    edited 2010-01-17 18:23
    As it's awards season here in Hollywood I will say...

    For your consideration: the attached demo uses my SIRCS input to control my background sequencer. It runs a default ping-pong pattern unless you press [noparse][[/noparse] 1 ], [noparse][[/noparse] 2 ], or [noparse][[/noparse] 3 ] which cause the sequencer to run a temporary pattern. When the pattern finishes the program automatically goes back to the default. You may also turn the program on and off using the [noparse][[/noparse] 1/0 ] (power) button on your remote.

    Note that I made a small name change to the SIRCS object; I changed the .status method to .ready. In the past I would usually do this:

    if sircs.status == true

    ...which could, of course, be shortened to:

    if sircs.status

    ..but this isn't obvious to all programmers.

    if sircs.ready
  pretty obvious and saves some typing.

    In my demo the background sequencer is the only thing using the LEDs. You can have the foreground do something, and you should use leds.stop first to turn off the background sequencer while you're doing something in the foreground. If you don't turn off the background sequencer it will keep running as you manitpulate LEDs in the foreground. Since outputs from different cogs are OR'd together, one active output may mask the activity of another.

    Jon McPhalen
    Hollywood, CA

    Post Edited (JonnyMac) : 1/17/2010 6:49:37 PM GMT
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